
  • 网络Financial Competitiveness
  1. 目前,金融竞争力已经成为构成地区和城市综合实力的重要组成部分,是现代城市经营和发展的动力。

    At present , the financial competitiveness has become an important part of overall strength of the cities .

  2. 将组合评价的方法成功地运用到我国城市金融竞争力评价的研究中。

    A combined evaluation method is successfully applied to the study on the evaluation of urban financial competitiveness in China .

  3. 从五个方面解释城市金融竞争力。

    It explains city financial comprehensive competitive power from five respects .

  4. 关于金融竞争力研究的理论综述

    Theoretical Review on the Research on the Financial Competition Ability

  5. 这使得我国在国际上的金融竞争力不强。

    So we do not have the advantages in the global financial market .

  6. 区域金融竞争力指标体系构建

    Construction for indicator system of regional finance competitiveness

  7. 第七章是简要的结论以及对金融竞争力研究前景的展望。

    The last chapter gives a summary and predicts the application in future of financial competence research .

  8. 一个城市具有较强的金融竞争力,投资环境足够优良,融资渠道得以畅通,才能吸引资金,从而促进经济以及各项事业的健康发展。

    A city with strong financial competitiveness and good investment environment would attract the capital , which promotes economic and society healthy .

  9. 所以越来越多的城市开始关注金融竞争力的提升,并且把其发展提上日程。

    Therefore , more and more cities pay attention to the financial competitiveness of the city , and put it on their development agenda .

  10. 摘要系统风险不仅牵动着大额电子资金划拨系统运营者和系统成员的利益,更影响着一国的经济安全与金融竞争力。

    System risk not only affects the interests of the large-value electronic funds transfer system 's operators and participants but also impairs the economic security and financial competitiveness of the country .

  11. 通过对东北城市金融竞争力的分析,笔者认为沈阳和大连是整个东北的金融中心城市,沈阳、长春、哈尔滨分别是三省的金融中心城市。

    Through the city finance competitive power analysis of Northeast , I thought Shenyang and Dalian are the entire northeast 's financial center city , Shenyang , Changchun and Harbin is three provinces financial center cities respectively .

  12. 从理论上讲,也使城市金融竞争力的研究体系更为完善,研究领域更为深入和扩展,填补了东北地级城市金融竞争力的研究的空白。

    Theoretically , the research also makes the city finance competitive power research system more perfect and the research area more deep , filled the finance competitive power research blank of cities at prefectural level in Northeast .

  13. 主要采用因子分析法对各个分力进行计量分析,以金融竞争力得分为变量进行聚类分析,之后再进行定性分析,得出相关结论。

    This paper mainly uses the factor analytic method to analyse each force . Taking the score points of financial demonstration competitive power as the variable , the text carries on the cluster analysis , afterwards carries on the qualitative analysis , draws the related conclusion .

  14. CRM的发展趋势及其对提高金融企业竞争力的启示

    Development of CRM and Its Enlightenment in Improving Our Financial Enterprise Competitions

  15. 集群视角下我国金融中心竞争力研究

    Research on Domestic Financial Centers ' Competitiveness in the Perspective of Clusters

  16. 中国邮政金融业竞争力分析与评价

    The Analysis and Evaluation on the Competitive Power of China Postal Finance

  17. 国际金融中心竞争力评估研究

    Appraisal on the Comprehensive Competitiveness of International Financial Centers

  18. 国际项目管理提升金融体系竞争力

    Management of International Projects Promotes Competitiveness of Financial System

  19. 商业智能提升金融机构竞争力

    Business Intelligence Advances Competitive Power of Financial Organization

  20. 市政设施竞争力、市场环境竞争力、金融环境竞争力处于中等水平,分别排在第二名。

    The environmental competitiveness of municipal facility , market , finance rank the second place separately .

  21. 目前,世界上许多国家已将提高金融业竞争力作为发展宏观经济战略的重要内容。

    At present , a lot of countries in the world have already regarded it as the important content of developing macroeconomic strategy to improve the financial competitiveness .

  22. 金融集聚竞争力成为金融产业发展和向集聚高级阶段演化成为金融中心的评价标准。

    Financial cluster competitiveness has become a criterion of the development of financial industry and the evolution of the advanced financial phase , which called as the financial center .

  23. 本文将区域金融中心竞争力指标分为两个方面:一是显示性指标体系,包括7个指标;二是解释性指标体系,包括经济发展、开放力、城市发展三个方面。

    In this article , the regional financial center competitiveness indicators are divided into two aspects : First , the revealed index system , including 7 indicators ; Second , the interpretative index system , including economic development , opening strength , urban development three aspects .

  24. 进一步,文章基于波特的钻石模型分析了BOP统计下和FATS统计下金融服务贸易竞争力的不同的影响因素。

    Furthermore , based on Porter ' diamond model analysis , the paper analyzes the different influencing factors of competitiveness of financial service trade under both statistical methods .

  25. 在此基础上,本文利用IMD数据,借助R型聚类研究了评价指标体系的选择问题,并考虑到前人的研究成果,然后确定了金融体系国际竞争力的评价指标。

    On this basis , this paper discusses the choice of evalution index system with IMD data and R-clustering , and then chooses the international competitiveness evaluation index of the financial system based on taking into account the results of previous studies .

  26. 我国金融服务贸易竞争力和开放度的关系研究

    The Relation Research of Financial Competitive Power and Openness in China

  27. 论国有金融控股集团竞争力的提升:制度基础与途径选择

    State Owned Financial Groups ' Competency Building : System Basis and Effective Approaches

  28. 业务种类较多,增强了金融部门的竞争力。

    With more categories of business , the competition of finance department will be enhanced .

  29. 因此,改进操作风险度量技术对增加金融机构的竞争力具有重要意义。

    Therefore , improved measurement technique of operational risk has vital significance to enhance competitiveness of financial institutions . 3 .

  30. 人力资源与企业文化是知识经济时代金融企业核心竞争力形成的关键要素。

    Human Resource and Corporate Culture are two key factors to enhance the competitiveness of financial institution in the Knowledge Economy .