
  • 网络Beijing Marriott Hotel City Wall;Beijing Marriott City Wall;Marriott Beijing City Wall;Beijing Marriott City Wall Hotel
  1. 北京万豪酒店有多少个风格迥异的餐厅?

    How many restaurants does Beijing Marriott Hotel City Wall have ?

  2. 北京万豪酒店客房开业价是多少?

    How much is Beijing Marriott Hotel City Wall 's opening rate ?

  3. 北京万豪酒店副总经理最大的喜好是什么?

    What does Beijing Marriott Hotel City Wall 's Deputy General Manager like best ?

  4. 北京万豪酒店拥有的北京范围内最大的宴会厅大约有多少平米?

    Beijing Marriott Hotel City Wall features the biggest grand ballroom in the capital city . What 's its size ?

  5. 这位万豪国际集团的新成员&北京万豪酒店,不单单给万豪国际集团注入了新鲜血液,而且还增加了其在北京的市场竞争力,为其翻开了新的奥运篇章。

    The hotel , Beijing Marriott Hotel City Wall , is some fresh blood to help sharpen Marriott 's competitive edge in Beijing , and open a new chapter in company history .

  6. 在北京和天津,万豪酒店(Marriott)举办了泰坦尼克号主题的募款活动,该活动鼓励来宾在就餐时穿仿古服装并参与物品竞拍,拍品包括限量版的手袋和大卫杜夫(Davidoff)雪茄等。

    In Beijing and Tianjin , the Marriott hotels held Titanic-themed fundraisers that encouraged guests to dress in period clothing as they dined and bid on auction items including limited-edition handbags , Davidoff cigars and more .