
  1. 下一阶段涉及该公司550名高级合伙人于1月对鲍达民(DominicBarton)继任者的候选名单进行投票,之后在2月份对两名人气最高的候选人进行第二轮投票。鲍达民自2009年起执掌麦肯锡。

    The next stage involves the firm 's 550 senior partners voting on a shortlist of candidates to replace Dominic Barton - the incumbent since 2009 - in January , followed by a run-off between the two most popular candidates in February .

  2. 目前尚不清楚鲍达民的总部将设在何地。

    It is not yet known where he will be based .

  3. 当前的常务董事鲍达民亲自致电古普塔,称他如今被公司列为不受欢迎的人。

    Current managing director Dominic Barton personally called Gupta to tell him he was now persona non grata at the firm .

  4. 鲍达民承认,这是个预测,无法确定,而且农村人口向城市的大量转移实际上也可能有所放缓。

    The number is a " projection , " not a certainty , Barton allowed ; and the flood from the countryside may in fact be slowing somewhat .