
  1. 鲍照是一位积极开拓、勇于创新的诗人。

    Bao Zhao was a poet who could actively innovate .

  2. 鲍照所有的乐府诗作均是自我观照,自述情怀之作,诗的主体色彩强烈而浓厚。

    All of Baozhao s Yuefu Poems are filled with self-reflection and self-expression with sufficient subject color .

  3. 《芜城赋》是鲍照传世作品中受人称颂的赋作名篇。

    Rhapsody On Wucheng is a highly praised famous piece among Bao Zhao 's works handed down to posterity .

  4. 试析门阀制度及左思、鲍照的诗歌对它的批判

    Trying to Expound a Family of Power and Influence System and Criticism on it from Zuo Si and Bao Zhao 's Poems

  5. 鲍照诗歌尚奇特点对南北朝和唐代的影响非常显著,特别是唐代的大诗人几乎都受到了他的影响。

    The impact is very remarkable , especially the famous poet in the Tang Dynasty has been nearly all influenced by him .

  6. 鲍照对意象的构结也独具特色,适度的反理性、非常规的陌生化手法使意象充满活力。

    Bao Zhao has his own character for the imagination construction , moderate counter-rational , the non-conventional Mo biochemistry technique causes the imagination fill vigor .

  7. 鲍照的公宴诗虽仅有五首,但作为一种诗歌题材,从来没有人进行研究过。

    There are only 5 Gong Yan Poems of his existing works , but they have never been researched as a type of poetic style .

  8. 鲍照诗文内外意结合,其内在的“壮”与“悲”表现于丰富多彩的意象,形成奇崛诡异之美。

    Bao unifies the meaning inside the prose inside and outside the prose , its intrinsic " hugeness " and " sadness " were expressed by rich and colorful imagination , it formed the unusual and strange beauty .

  9. 表现在意象选择上是“物感式”的审美对象,表现在精神上是粗犷、雄浑的特征和日益深化的孤独意识,而正是这两者使鲍照具有了建安风力遗韵。

    He used the " the manner of object feeling " as the selection of the imagination , and he used the lonely consciousness in his spirit , these made Bao Zhao have the style of the poets in Jian An Dynasty .