
lín lín
  • Lin Lin;numerous;multitudinous
林林 [lín lín]
  • [various;in great numbers] 密集;极多

  • 林林之帆

  1. 杉木人工林林地土壤CO2释放量及其影响因子的研究

    Soil CO _ 2 Release Rate and Its Effect Factors in Chinese Fir Plantation

  2. 长白山温带混交林林冠下层CO2通量对生态系统碳收支的贡献

    Contributions of below-canopy CO_2 fluxes to ecosystem carbon budget of a temperate mixed forest in Changbai Mountain

  3. TM影像在热带林林地资源调查中的应用

    Utilization of LANDSAT TM Image on Survey of Tropical Forest Land Resources

  4. 华山松&响叶杨(6∶4)混交林林地土壤有机质、速效磷、速效钾、pH值比华山松纯林林地分别大15.99%、10.84%、7.69%、12.5%,提高了土壤的肥力。

    The organic matter , the available P , the available K , pH of mixed forest ( 6 ∶ 4 ) were 15.99 % , 10.84 % , 7.69 % , 12.5 % more than those of P.armandi pure forest , and improved the soil fertility .

  5. 运用α多样性指数和β多样性指数对炼山与不炼山处理南酸枣Choerospondiasaxillaris人工林林下植被物种多样性进行横向与纵向比较研究。

    The α diversity indexes and β diversity indexes were used to study the species diversity of undergrowth in the Choerospondias axillaris plantations .

  6. 华北油松人工林林下降雨(throughfall)的空间分布表明:单株树下的林下降雨量随着离树干距离的增加而增加;

    The spatial distribution of throughfall in Pinus tabulaeformis plantations in northern China demonstrated that : the amount of through-fall under a single tree increases as the distance from the increases .

  7. 长白山红松云冷杉林林内降水的养分输入

    Nutrient input of throughfall in a pine-spruce-fir forest of Changbai Mountain

  8. 松阔混交林林分空间结构分析

    Analysis of the Stand Spatial Structure of Pinus massoniana-Broadleaved Mixed Forest

  9. 提高落叶松人工林林地质量的研究

    Study on Improving the Quality of Forest Land of Larch Plantations

  10. 杉木人工林林下植物对土壤肥力的影响

    Effects of undergrowth plant on soil fertility in Chinese Fir Plantation

  11. 浙北杉木林林分结构及其经营密度

    Stand Structure and Management Density of Chinese Fir in Northern Zhejiang

  12. 林林,我认为你的英语是很好的。

    Lin Lin , I think your English is very good .

  13. 桉树人工林林下植被、地面覆盖物与土壤物理性质的关系

    Soil physical properties under effects of Eucalyptus understory vegetation and litter

  14. 杉木人工林林下植被对立地的指示意义

    The indicating significance of understory in Chinese fir plantation to sites

  15. 天然阔叶混交林林分结构的研究

    Studies On the Stand Structure of Natural Broad-leaf Mixed Forest

  16. 落叶松人工林林分极限密度确定方法的研究

    Study on the approach to determine limited stand density for Larch Plantation

  17. 杉木人工林林下植物物种多样性的动态特征

    Dynamical characteristics of undergrowth plant diversity in Chinese Fir Plantations

  18. 天山云杉天然林林分空间格局的研究

    Research of Spatial Distribution Pattern for The Schrenk Spruce Forest

  19. 红松人工中龄林林隙调控的生长分析

    Analysis on Growth Quality of Gap Control for Middle-aged Korean Pine Plantation

  20. 闽中山地天然林林隙动态及自然干扰特征

    Gap dynamic and their natural disturbance characteristics in mid-Fujian montane natural forest

  21. 华北落叶松人工林林缘草本可燃物研究

    Study on the Herb fuels of the edges in the plantations of

  22. 天然林林分经营迫切性评价方法及其应用

    The Evaluation Method of Natural Forest Stand Management Urgency and Its Application

  23. 杉木人工林林下植物的消长规律

    The Laws of Understory Plant Growth in Chinese fir Plantations

  24. 黑龙江省牡丹江地区落叶松人工林林分直径结构的研究

    Study on The Diameter distribution of Larch Plantations in Mudanjiang

  25. 老黄可称得上林林的游泳启蒙老师。

    Old Huang can be called linlin 's first teacher in swimming .

  26. 南方丘陵人工林林下植物种间关系分析

    Interspecific association between understory species in a southern highland plantation

  27. 落叶松人工林林分径级结构的研究

    Study on stand class grade construction for aritificial larch forest

  28. 间伐对兴安落叶松人工林林分结构的影响

    The Effects of Thinning on Stand Structure for Larch Plantation

  29. 林林总总汇集成对过去时光的美好记忆。

    All this becomes a fond memory of the past .

  30. 北京山区油松人工林林分结构与生长模拟研究

    Research on Structure and Growth of Pinus Tabulaeformis Stand Simulation in Beijing