
  • 网络Green conservation
  1. 浅谈高速公路绿化养护与病虫害防治措施

    Measure of Virescence Maintenance and Diseases and Insect Pests Prevention in Expressway

  2. 对城市绿化养护管理工作的分析研究

    Study on the Important Role of the Maintenance and Management of Urban Greening

  3. 高校校园绿化养护管理的若干思考

    Several Thoughts on the Maintenance and Management of Making Campus Green in Colleges and Universities

  4. 影响城市绿化养护管理水平的几大因素

    Factors Influencing Urban Afforestation Management

  5. 高速公路绿化养护管理养护管理是高速公路绿化成功的关键因素之一,高速公路路线长、面积大,养管难度大。

    The maintenance management of the expressway greening Maintenance management is one of the key factors for the success of the expressway greening .

  6. 本着“时尚、绿色、健康”的宗旨与目的,我公司竭诚为企业、及市政提供一流的绿化养护服务!

    We tend to provide top-notch greening and maintenance service under the guidance of our philosophy of " Modern , Green , Healthy " .

  7. 我们以“良好的信誉”作为企业的灵魂,以“高度的服务意识”作为企业的经营理念,兢兢业业地为各行业和企业提供优质的绿化养护工程。

    With " reliable credit " as the soul of our company ," utmost service mentality " as the management philosophy , we endeavor to provide varied industries and companies with high quality service .

  8. 本文主要针对绿化养护过程中的用工制度、工人管理、勤工助学、经费投入、绿化施工过程与后期养护的关系等提出一定的观点。

    This paper mainly supposes some ideas on the relationship among the employment system , workers management , part-word and part-study system , fund investment , the process of making green and the future maintenance during the maintenance of making the campus green .

  9. 贵阳地区以草坪为主的屋顶绿化与养护

    Roof Greening and Maintenance of Giving Priority to Lawn in Guiyang Area

  10. 北京城市屋顶绿化佛甲草养护管理技术

    Study on the conservation management techniques of Sedum lineare at the roof greening of Beijing city

  11. 北方丘陵地区高速公路绿化树木养护管理

    North Hills Expressway trees conservation management

  12. 林务局首席研究员、社会学家米歇尔·近藤推测,在这些区域负责绿化和养护的市政车辆增加,有效阻止了违法活动。

    Michelle Kondo , a social scientist and lead researcher with the forest service , speculated the increased presence of city trucks and vans in the landscaped areas - for planting and maintenance - was enough to deter illicit activity .

  13. 通过阐述草坪上发生的常见病害种类及其发生特点,并针对病害发生的特点提出防治意见,以期对城市绿化的养护和草坪病害的研究与防治具有一定的参考价值。

    Main diseases and their occurrence characteristics were stated in this paper , and at the same time , the control recommendation was given to be of guidance and reference value to lawn conservation in city and to research and control of lawn diseases .

  14. 浅谈高速公路绿化设计及养护管理

    Simply Talking about Afforestation Design of Freeway and Maintenance Management

  15. 河南省宝丰县道路绿化建设及养护措施探讨

    Discussion on Street Greening Construction and Maintenance of Baofeng Henan

  16. 广州市区道路桥体悬挂绿化施工与养护

    Vertical Greening Construction and Maintenance for Flyovers and Pedestrian Bridges in Guangzhou City

  17. 公司拥有一支专业的设计团队以及经验丰富的绿化施工和养护队伍。

    The company has a professional design team and experienced afforest construction and maintenance team .

  18. 惠州市园林绿化市场化养护管理情况综述

    Promote the Level of Landscape Management by Maintenance Marketization & Summarize of the situation of gardens virescence maintenance management marketization of Huizhou city

  19. 服务方对大楼的环境、清洁卫生、安全保卫、公共设备、能量消耗、公共绿化、道路养护等统一实施专业化管理.并向业主提供全方位、多方面的综合性服务。

    The services side manages the building environment , sanitation , security , public facilities , energy consumption , public green , road maintenance in a professional and uniform mode and provides comprehensive , multifaceted integrated services .

  20. 本文阐述了惠州市自2003年以来通过实施园林绿化市场化养护管理路子,对城市园林绿化景观所带来的变化。文章分析了市场化养护管理的背景,介绍了市场化养护管理的办法、措施。

    This paper elaborates the changes on the gardens virescence landscape of Huizhou city caused by the Landscape management marketization which has been adopted since 2003.The background of the maintenance management marketization is analyzed and the measure of maintenance management marketization is introduced in this paper .

  21. 历经几年的努力,公司业绩逐年递增,并承担各种大中型绿化工程与绿化养护工程。

    Now , the company has grown up to the scale that is able to take large and medium-sized greening and maintenance projects after years of effort .

  22. 本文论述垂直绿化的形式、存在问题、解决方案以及垂直绿化养护技术等。

    Besides the forms and exiting problems of vertical virescene , the conservation technology of vertical virescene is discussed in this paper .

  23. 分析了绿化在高速公路建设中所起的作用,介绍了高速公路互通区的绿化设计和养护工作。

    The paper analyzed the action of greening to expressway construction , introduced the greening design and maintenance work of expressway interchange .

  24. 介绍了城市天桥绿化栽植的簕杜鹃在基质、水分、营养、花期调控、病虫害防治方面的养护管理方法,为天桥绿化的簕杜鹃养护提出建议。

    By explaining the Bougainvillea Maintenance about plant materials , irrigation , nutrition , bloom , plant diseases and insect pests , the writer given some suggestions about it .

  25. 从绿化设计与施工的角度介绍了景洪水电站绿化项目的设计理念与绿化后达到的美化效果,同时对绿化养护管理提出了建议。

    This paper describes the design thinking of afforestation project for Jinghong Hydropower Station and the expected effectiveness after affectation in view of .