
  • 网络green company
  1. 他向《财富》杂志(Fortune)讲述了即便是在被全球最大的饮料公司收购后,一家小型绿色公司保持企业之魂的努力。

    He spoke ToFortune about how a small green business can keep its soul even after being bought by the largest beverage company in the world .

  2. 我谨从日内瓦对第二届中国绿色公司年会的成功召开表示祝贺!

    Congratulations from Geneva on the successful opening of the2nd Annual Summit of China Green Companies .

  3. 在这一点上,我非常高兴地看到中国企业家俱乐部为推动中国绿色公司项目的开展所作的不懈努力。

    In this regard , I am really delighted to see the continued efforts from China Entrepreneur Club to push forward the China Green Companies programme .

  4. 所以,我愿借此机会向中国绿色公司项目表示支持,祝各位与会人员一切顺利,并祝年会取得圆满成功!

    Therefore , I would like to take this opportunity to express my support for the China Green Companies programme and my best wishes to all and to the success of the Summit .

  5. 政府曾做过许多失败的尝试,选民们还记得Solyndra绿色能源公司,当初政府投入了5.35亿美元贷款,但该公司却于今年八月份申请了破产。

    The government has a lousy record of picking winners , as voters were reminded when Solyndra , a green energy firm for which the government guaranteed $ 535m in loans , went bust in August .

  6. 在某种意义上,这是第一家众筹绿色投资公司。

    It is , in a sense , the first crowdfunded green investment firm .

  7. 低燃料成本转化为对客户的低价格;绿色出租公司在一定价位内的价格属于当地最优。

    Lower fuel costs translate into lower fares for customers ; Green Cab now offers the best price in town for certain fares .

  8. 奥巴马将政府补贴给予少数特定选择的绿色科技公司以助其扎实根基,但这并没有带来多少就业岗位。

    Mr Obama 's subsidies for green technology fattened the bottom line of a few chosen firms but did very little to spur jobs .

  9. 绿色出租公司在麦迪逊的20辆“普锐斯”出租车平均每加仑汽油可跑50英里(每公升21.3公里)。

    Green Cab ' s20 Prius taxicabs in Madison get an average of50 miles per gallon of gasoline ( 21.3 kilometers per liter ) .

  10. 绿色出租公司为那些想要价格低廉、乘车更环保的旅客提供了拼车选择,即同时接载前往相同方向的乘客。

    For customers who want to keep fares down and travel greener , Green Cab picks up other riders who are headed in the same direction .

  11. 绿色出租公司还给乘客提供另一个好处:每部车都配备一个自行车架,以满足那些想单程坐车或部分坐车的骑车人。

    Another perk for green customers : Each car carries a bicycle rack to accommodate people who bike but want a ride one-way or part of the way .

  12. 绿色出租公司力争通过采用高科技的出租调度系统,让公司的业务高人一筹。他们采用了按照自身需要专门设计的软件。

    Green Cab tries to further distinguish its business with a high-tech taxi dispatch system that runs on a custom-made software program the company ordered to meet its specific needs .

  13. 如果合乎道德的投资仅投资在绿色的公司上,例如,不包括污染大气的公司,那么这样的措施可能具有相似的积极影响。

    If ethical investing takes the form of investing only in green companies , for example , excluding companies that pollute the atmosphere , such measures may have a similar positive impact .

  14. 金融家们表示,科技公司在公开市场的股票发售,将达到自上世纪90年代以来未见的水平,社交公司facebook以及一批其它的互联网和“绿色科技”公司将首当其冲。

    Financiers are talking of public stock sales by tech companies at a level not seen since the 1990s led by social networking company Facebook and a batch of other Internet and " Greentech " companies .

  15. 盐源禾嘉绿色食品有限公司采用了一套适合自身特点的WMS以后,减少了人工成本,提高了仓库利用率,明显增加了经济效益。

    Yanyuan Wo Jia Green Food Co. , Ltd. adopted a set of characteristics suited to their own WMS after the reduction of labor costs , increase storage utilization , a marked increase in economic efficiency .

  16. 量晶光电也是一家绿色能源环保公司。

    Quantum Wafer is an environment-friendly green technology company .

  17. 绿色能源初创公司Bio-bean表示,已生产出足够的咖啡衍生生物燃料,可为一辆公交车提供一整年的动力。

    Bio-bean , a green-energy startup , said it has produced enough coffee-derived biofuel to power one bus for a whole year .

  18. 在美国,「朴门永续设计信用合作社」已经成立,更有绿色经济投资公司开始使用朴门永续设计的理念和原则来建立永续、有弹性的投资系统。

    In the United States a Permaculture credit union has been formed and'green'investment firms are using Permaculture principles and ideas to create resilient , sustainable investment systems .

  19. 有很多人觉得那些只使用绿色能源的公司是在标榜自己,但我觉得环保是件很酷的事。

    There are many people who thinks that companies are only using green it to brand themselves but I think that it is a cool thing to do .

  20. 如果合乎道德的投资仅投资在“绿色”的公司上,例如,不包括污染大气的公司,那么这样的措施可能具有相似的积极影响。

    If ethical investing takes the form of investing only in " green " companies , for example , excluding companies that pollute the atmosphere , such measures may have a similar positive impact .

  21. 《财经》杂志举报刘铁男的妻儿持有加拿大绿色资源有限公司的股份,这家公司的所有人是商人倪日涛,他曾先后收购过多家国有造纸企业。

    A report in Caijing magazine suggests Liu 's wife and son are shareholders in CGR Investments , a company owned by Ni Ritao , a businessman who bought and merged many State-owned paper manufacturing companies .

  22. 银行还向其他投资于绿色解决方案的公司取经。

    The bank is also gleaning knowledge from other corporations that invest in green solutions .

  23. 基于绿色管理的跨国公司与发展中国家讨价还价模型研究

    Analyses on Bargaining Model of Green Management Between Multi-national Corporations and Government of the Developing Countries

  24. 绿色邮件是指公司对购买本公司大宗股份并威胁要敌意收购的人,以高于市场价格购买其股份的行为。

    Greenmail is the practice of buying larger share of a company 's stock to threaten a hostile takeover and reselling it to the company at a price above market value .

  25. 台州翼龙绿色农产品有限公司简介浙江的东海之滨,美丽的城市临海,是中国沿海经济较发达的地区之一。

    Taizhou Pterodactyl Green Farm Produce co. , Ltd Brief Introduction The east seashore of Zhejiang , the beautiful city of Linhai , it is one of the areas with more developed coastal economy of China .

  26. 作为一个新公司,大荔农垦锦苑林果高科有限责任公司(简称锦苑公司)从成立初期就把奉献绿色果品、树立绿色形象作为公司的战略发展目标。

    As a new company , Da Li Jin Yuan high department 's limited company of forest fruit ( abbreviated as " Jin Yuan Company ") have formulated the strategic development goal which is presenting the green fruit and establishing the green image .