
yòu zhì yuán
  • kindergarten;preschool
幼稚园 [yòu zhì yuán]
  • [infant school;kindergarten] 旧称。现称幼儿园

  1. 麦唛很喜欢写字,妈妈看在眼里,就替他报读了幼稚园

    McMug loves scribbling . Mama then sent him to the Kindergarten .

  2. 观点就是吸引从幼稚园到大学的孩子们加入到STEM领域。

    The point here is engaging kids , from kindergarten to college , in STEM field .

  3. 有一个上幼稚园的小孩问他妈妈:“妈妈,明天老师会问我们,我爸爸是谁,那我应该怎么回答呢?”妈妈说:“那你就说,上帝就是你的爸爸啊!”

    A preschooler asked his mother , " Mom , tomorrow our teacher is going to ask who my father is . What should I say ? " The mother said , " Just tell her that God is your father ! "

  4. 专为幼稚园儿童设计的授权商品大量增加。

    Product licensing for the preschool set is on the rise .

  5. 她是刚开始就读幼稚园的小女生。

    She is a new girl and has just started kindergarten .

  6. 噢!你这麽说让我想起我的幼稚园时候的事。

    Ohhh * ! You remind me of my kindergarten days .

  7. 幼稚园园长;持续专业发展;专业能力。

    Kindergarten director ; Continuing professional development ; Professional competence .

  8. 本中心课程由具专业资格幼稚园校长督导。

    Our course content is supervised by certified kindergarten principal .

  9. 小蜜蜂幼稚园-礼貌:不要吓跑小动物!

    Busy bees kindergarten-courtesy : do not scare the little animals away !

  10. 幼稚园程度的高中生,先天蒙古症的青蛙头!

    Kindergarten level of high school students , congenital Mongolism frog head !

  11. 屈丽娜的工作包括收拾幼稚园的屋子。

    Trina 's work consisted in taking care of the kindergarten rooms .

  12. 我想要在她第一天上幼稚园时,帮她装便当。

    I want to pack her lunch on the first day of kindergarten .

  13. 计算我们进幼稚园后就开始学算术了。

    We learn arithmetic right after we enter kindergarten .

  14. 一个幼稚园的老师巡视观察她的学生,当他们画图的时候。

    Kindergarten teacher was observing her classroom of children while they were drawing .

  15. 所有我真正需要知道的,都在幼稚园学过了!

    All I ever really needed to know , I learn in kindergarten .

  16. 我在春田花花幼稚园上学。

    I am a student at Springfield Flowers Kindergarten .

  17. 哦!但我想起我幼稚园的毕业仪式!

    Oh ! Now I recall my kindergarten graduation !

  18. 这6只猫已经赖在那里不幼稚园寻找食物。

    These six cats had been hanging around the kindergarten looking for food .

  19. 安弟从幼稚园开始就最喜欢他了。

    He 's been Andy 's favorite since kindergarten .

  20. 采取您的小狗,以小狗幼稚园班。

    Take your puppy to puppy kindergarten classes .

  21. 右思维幼稚园并没有特别要求毕业生报读本地小学或国际学校。

    RMKG has no preferences as to whether our graduates enter international or local schools .

  22. 甚至幼稚园学生都会做。

    Even kindergartners can do it .

  23. 政府会在二零零二年推行改善措施,鼓励幼稚园聘用更多合格幼稚园教师。

    The Administration will be introducing improvements in 2002 to encourage kindergartens to employ more QKTs .

  24. 清末女子教育发展的困境&以湖北幼稚园附设女学堂为例

    The Predicament of Female Education in the Late Qing Dynasty & Take Hubei Kindergarten for Example

  25. 这些计划会令超过五十万名中、小学和幼稚园学生受惠。

    These projects will benefit over 500 000 students in pre-primary , primary and secondary schools .

  26. 此外,合资格的幼稚园学生也可通过幼稚园学费减免计划申请学费减免。

    Eligible kindergarten pupils may apply for tuition fee remission through the Kindergarten Fee Remission Scheme .

  27. 在三到五岁之间小孩子们可以上学前班或幼稚园来为上小学做预备。

    Children can prepare for this step by attending preschool and kindergarten from ages three to five .

  28. .争取教育机会十分激烈,以致小孩子也要参加幼稚园入学试才能入学。.

    Competition for education is so keen that even small children have to sit for kindergarten entrance examinations

  29. 研究者根据研究结果提供若干建议供幼稚园教师及学前家长參考。

    Based on the results , the researchers offer some suggestions to the kindergarten teachers and parents .

  30. 政府透过给家长学券支付幼稚园学费,来资助学前教育。

    The government will subsidise pre-school education by giving parents vouchers they can use to pay kindergarten fees .