
yòu shī
  • young lion
  1. 母狮排斥最小的幼狮,把它饿死了。

    The lioness rejected the smallest cub , which died .

  2. 幼狮围着母狮。

    The mother lion was surrounded by her progeny .

  3. 一头母狮守护着幼狮。

    A lioness guarded her cubs .

  4. 一只幼狮在动物园出生了。

    A small lion was cubbed in the zoo .

  5. 简氏被告知成飞的最高级别的官员与他们怎样谈到在场所内拥有一架IAI公司的幼狮原型机。

    Jane 's was told how Chengdu officials of the highest level stated how they had one of the IAI Lavi prototypes in their facilities .

  6. 母狮和幼狮渐渐消失在丛林中。

    The lioness and her cubs melted away into the jungle .

  7. 幼狮们饥肠辘辘,吞下了大狮子杀死的鹿。

    The young cubs hungrily devoured the deer that the lion had killed .

  8. 那头狮子为了保护其幼狮而进行搏斗。

    The lion fought to protect her young .

  9. 大三开始写诗,第一首诗“船歌”发表于幼狮文艺。

    Her first poem , The Song of A Boat appeared in Yow Shy Magazine Monthly .

  10. 以色列和中国的官员很久以前就已经否认了歼十与幼狮之间有所联系的消息。

    Both Chinese and Israeli officials have long refuted any purported links between the J-10 and the Lavi .

  11. 亨德森实现了自我,带着象征他重生的幼狮阿蒂以及小男孩回到美国。

    Henderson eventually achieves self-realization , taking the baby lion Atti and a boy back to America , which symbolizes his rebirth .

  12. 还有一张照片中,精力充沛的狮子兄弟们在打打闹闹,一个大胆的幼狮还把一个成年狮子的腿当成了磨牙棒。

    In another , boisterous brothers enjoying some rough and tumble and one cheeky cub using an adult 's leg as a chew stick .

  13. 渐渐习惯之后,我们甚至在街道上养了一只美洲狮。现在有一只母狮和两只幼狮经常在附近闲逛,在新泽西州是不可能发生这种事情的。

    Now there 's a mother lion and two cubs wandering the neighborhood . We didn 't have this kind of thing in New Jersey .

  14. 以前已经有幼狮的技术转移的说法,可是这一次的消息来自该项目的援助人员。

    The charge of Lavi technology transfer has been made before , but this time the claims come from individuals with sustained personal experience of the programme .

  15. 母狮见自己所等待的,所希望的落了空,就另取了一只幼狮,使它成为壮狮。

    But she seeing herself weakened , and that her hope was lost , took one of her young lions , and set him up for a lion .

  16. 巴勒斯坦警方和报纸称:在最近一次的加沙动物园袭击中,武装劫匪掠走了动物园一只幼狮和两只会说阿拉伯语的鹦鹉。

    Armed robbers made off with a lion cub and two Arabic-speaking parrots in a recent raid on gaza 's zoo , Palestinian police chief and newspapers said .

  17. 风景优美的肯尼亚马赛马拉国家公园里,一只过于活跃的幼狮激怒了老爸。

    This young fellow seen here invoked the ire of daddy lion with some irritatingly bouncy behaviour in the stunning surroundings of the Masai Mara national reserve in Kenya .