
hào zhì
  • livery
号志[hào zhì]
  1. 此外,GNU更是一个激发与集结大家和我们一起分享的典范及号志。

    In addition , GNU serves as an example to inspire and a banner to rally others to join us in sharing .

  2. 基隆站内的号志楼及小型臂木号志机群。

    A signal box and miniature semaphore signals at Keelung Station .

  3. 交通号志的红灯代表「停」的意思。

    The red light of the traffic sign means stop .

  4. 良多人无视于交通号志和轨则。

    A lot of people disregard traffic signals and rules .

  5. 用平车制成的陆桥和臂木式号志机。蒜头车站。

    A flat car was to be a bridge at Suan-Tou Station .

  6. 我也知道要仔细观看交通号志。

    And I know to watch the traffic lights carefully .

  7. 注意交通号志是什麽颜色。

    Take note what color the traffic signal is .

  8. 全交通感应变色号志交通信号灯是绿色。

    Full-traffic-actuated signal The traffice light was green .

  9. 全交通感应变色号志房间温暖的色泽更增加它的舒适感。

    Full-traffic-actuated signal The intimacy of the room was enhanced by its warm colours .

  10. 只有当交通号志变成绿色时,你才可以通过斑马线。

    You can walk through the zebra crossing only when the traffic lights turn green .

  11. 适应性号志控制策略

    Adaptive signal control strategy

  12. 旧溪口站副站长正以手作号志对即将通过之北上列车做出平安之号志。

    The Deputy Station Master of Hsi-Kou Station was making an all right signal to a passing train.1968 .

  13. 动态交通号志控制系统

    Dynamic traffic signal control

  14. 除了交通号志及户外看板外,高功率发光二极体也逐渐在背光模组及固态照明等应用中占有一席之地。

    In addition to traffic signs and outdoor-boards , high-power LEDs have gained ground in applications to back-lighting systems and solid-state illumination .