
hào mǎ
  • number
号码 [hào mǎ]
  • [number] 记数标号的字

  • 在每个球上打上号码

号码[hào mǎ]
  1. 如有问题,请拨打这个电话号码。

    If you have any issues , please call this number .

  2. 她把他的电话号码匆匆写在一张小纸片上。

    She scribbled his phone number on a scrap of paper .

  3. 警方用追踪装置查出是她前夫的电话号码打出的电话。

    The police traced the call to her ex-husband 's number .

  4. 试试他家的号码——他也许在那儿。

    Try his home number ─ he might just be there .

  5. 这个密码是我的电话号码的逆序排列。

    The secret number is my phone number in reverse .

  6. 把电话号码表放在电话旁边,方便查找。

    Keep the list of numbers near the phone for easy reference .

  7. 请发短信到此号码参加投票。

    Send a text message to this number to vote .

  8. 我会告诉你我的地址和电话号码。

    I 'll give you my address and phone number .

  9. 你可以打637-2335这个电话号码,转分机354,与我联系。

    You can reach me at 637-2335 , extension 354 .

  10. 又及:请再把您的传真号码发给我好吗?

    PS Could you send me your fax number again ?

  11. 每只动物都系上了标有号码的小牌,以便辨认。

    Each animal was tagged with a number for identification .

  12. 对不起,我一定是拨错电话号码了。

    Sorry , I must have dialled the wrong number .

  13. 她把那个电话号码抄写在自己的通讯录上。

    She copied the phone number into her address book .

  14. 全部重点均编了号码以便查阅。

    All important points are numbered for ease of reference .

  15. 我们的传真号码自5月12日起更改。

    Our fax number is changing as from May 12 .

  16. 她把自己的姓名和电话号码留在他的电话答录机上。

    She left her name and number on his answerphone .

  17. 警方对那辆车的牌照号码进行了调查。

    The police ran a check on the registration number of the car .

  18. 她匆匆写下自己的电话号码,塞进他手里。

    She scribbled down her phone number and pushed it into his hand .

  19. 她把号码牢牢记在心中。

    She lodged the number firmly in her mind .

  20. 凡愿协助者可拨此号码联系。

    Anyone willing to assist can contact this number .

  21. 万一你需要帮助的话,这是我的电话号码。

    In case you should need any help , here 's my number .

  22. 中奖号码是由电脑随机选取的。

    The winning numbers are randomly selected by computer .

  23. 按所在页面位置给每一幅画编上相对应的号码。

    Give each picture a number corresponding to its position on the page .

  24. 订购服装时记着要详细说明你要的号码。

    Remember to specify your size when ordering clothes .

  25. 每件产品都有号码以便于识别。

    Each product has a number for easy identification .

  26. 这个号码我拨了很多次,都记住了。

    I 've dialled the number so many times I know it by heart .

  27. 所有的电话号码都被抹掉了。

    All the phone numbers had been erased .

  28. 我的号码是六零三三。

    My number is six o double three .

  29. 离线订货请拨打这个号码。

    For offline orders , call this number .

  30. 欲知详情,请拨打此电话号码。

    For more information , call this number .