
  • 网络Yang Jiong;Larine
  1. 论杨炯及其文学创作

    On Yang Jiong and His Literary Writing

  2. 第二节杨炯骈文艺术特色对杨炯现存46篇骈文作整体考察,说明杨炯用自己坚实的创作来实践其文学革新思想。

    The second festival " its artistic features of Yang Jiong Yang Jiong " 46 | overall research of the existing parallel prose , Yang Jiong used his solid creation to practice their literary thought .

  3. 笔者期望通过考证研究以补目前杨炯某些方面研究的不足,提出自己的见解观点,补充一点考证资料,以供相关研究者作为参考。

    The author hopes through the research to fill the current Yang Jiong some study shortcomings , proposes own view point of view , add a bit of textual data , for relevant researchers as a reference .

  4. 另外,通过细读文本和分析有关史料及传说,纵横比较、辨伪存真,层层深入地予以探究,来还原一个真实的文学家、政治家杨炯形象。

    In addition , through a close reading of the text and analysis of relevant historical materials and legend , vertical and horizontal comparison , distinguishing the true , layers of depth to explore , to restore a true writer , statesman Yang Jiong image .