
hào shù
  • number;serial number
号数 [hào shù]
  • [serial number] 标示次序的数目字

号数[hào shù]
  1. 依上下文1可以是一个有号数或是一个无号数。

    May be either a signed number or an unsigned number depending on context .

  2. 士兵的号数,入位编号编号;

    Speciality number look after number one ;

  3. 指一个序列的号数顺序。比是指数列A2,B2的公比。

    Being or denoting a numerical order in a series . " Ratio " refers to the common ratio of the sequence of numbers A2 , B2 .

  4. 指一个序列的号数顺序。“中序”多数是慢板。

    Most of the middle sequence consisted of slow accented beats .

  5. 粗粒度可重构并行计算的面向对象仿真研究[砂纸]粒度号数,粗细

    Object-oriented simulation study on coarse-grained reconfigurable parallel computation grit size , grit number

  6. 如果您拍下的是戒指,请留言告诉我们您所需要的号数。

    If you bid a ring , please tell us the size you want asap .

  7. 提到这号数时,侦察员抬起头,冷冷地说

    At the sound of this number , the inspector raised his head , and said coldly

  8. “你当真要找他么?号数倒是四号”

    " If you really want to see him , it 's room number four - "

  9. [砂纸]粒度号数,粗细手缝针:由粗到细编号。

    Grit size , grit number Hand Sewing Needles : sized from coarse to very fine .

  10. GB/T1246-1976铁路道岔号数系列41号无缝道岔受力与变形的影响分析

    Railway turn out number series Analyzing on influence of longitudinal force and displacement to No.41 seamless turnout

  11. 而那确是一座建筑物,一座临街的有门牌号数的房屋!

    And it actually was an edifice , a house , which bore a number on the street !

  12. GB/T1246-1976铁路道岔号数系列分岔隧道的围岩应力及变形数值分析

    Railway turn out number series Numerical Analysis on Deformation and Stress of the Surrounding Rock of Dichotomy Tunnel

  13. 精梳后采用一道自调匀整并条机可降低成纱号数不匀率与减少纱疵,经多年实践已被人们接受;

    One drawing with autoleveler adopted after combing to reduce yarn count unevenness and defects is accepted by people .

  14. 为异部者,以收件号数为准。

    For those registrations that are listed in different parts , on the order of the " receipt number " .

  15. 号数不少,可是多数的是给四十铜子或一毛大洋。

    The list of contri-butors was quite long , but the majority had given only forty coppers or ten silver cents .

  16. 时间序列的近似表示能够提高时间序列数据挖掘的效率和可靠性。指一个序列的号数顺序。

    Approximation of time series can improve time series data mining . being or denoting a numerical order in a series .

  17. 厚度号数:美国量度一寸内有多少张纸的方法。是在标准压力下一寸厚的纸张页数。

    Bulking number : American paper measurement of the number of sheets that bulk to1 inch in thickness under standard pressure .

  18. 长条型的果岭,前后纵深达50码,号数的选择差别可以到达3号。

    A long shape green , 50-yard deep from the front to the back , 3 clubs difference depends on pin location .

  19. 这些信息包括:时标、协议的类型、端口号数、包数、字节数和输入输出的接口、前缀等重要信息。

    The important information includes timestamp , protocol type , port number , packets , byte , I / O interface operator and prefix etc.

  20. 表上空格不够用时,请用另纸填写,并注明表上所属项目的号数。

    IF there is insufficient room on the form , answer on separate sheets , in duplicate using the same numbers as appear on the form .

  21. 文中还对地面纱线圈长度、线圈长度比和纱线号数的影响分别进行了讨论。

    The paper discusses also the influences of the lengths of tie-in yarn and ground yarn , the loop length ratio and the yarn counts upon the loop density .

  22. 中文意思是:重量、尺码、标志、号数、品质、内容和质量是托运人所提供的,承运人在装船时并未核对。

    The weight , measure , marks , numbers , quality , contents and value , being particulars furnished by the shipper , are not checked by the carrier .

  23. 织物在紧度相近、纱线号数相同的情况下,平纹组织抗浸效果最好,斜纹次之,缎纹最差;

    In the case of fabric with closed density and yarn with same tex the plain structure is the best one for immersion resistance , twill second place and satin last .

  24. 对地铁正线道岔平面及号数提出个人技术观点,并推荐一种结构先进、平面设计合理、适合地铁运输特点的10号道岔。

    Milling of Points and Crossings Train Speed Raising and Switch Setting Some technical idea for the plane and size of the turnout in the main line of metro are raised . The No.

  25. 藉由研磨号数小到大之磨砂纸,经抛光处理后可以有效的降低表面的粗糙度,而且表面的污染物也可以被去除。

    By using different number ( from small to big number ) of grinding papers to polish , the surface roughness can be lowered and the dirt on the surface can be purged .

  26. 通过预湿上浆实验,研究了压出回潮率对浆液含固量和粘度的影响,并从纤维种类、纱线号数、纺纱方法等方面分析其对压出回潮率的影响效果。

    In this paper , the effect of the extrudation moisture regain on concentration and viscosity of the size paste is studied , and some factors which influence the extrudation moisture regain are discussed .

  27. 当竹纤维纯纺纱线号数为59tex左右时,纱线断裂强度、断裂伸长率、断裂比功均较好,因而强力较高。

    When the count of bamboo pure yarn is about 59 tex , the yarn has better breaking tenacity , better breaking elongation and better specific work , so the strength of the yarn is also better .

  28. 理论分析表明,浅海多途环境中,当简正波号数大于1号时,阵增益下降存在极限,这对长线阵的应用是有利的。

    · Theoretical analysis shows that there is a limitation for the array gain loss in an ocean multipath environment that exists more than 1 effective normal modes , which is an advantage for the application of a large-aperture line array .

  29. 这里类是被测电机运行号数和特性的直接映射,对于类的属性描述(输入)和不同操作,即实现电机测试的通用性。

    Here , classes are the direct reflection to the running numbers and character of the tested electric motor , the description ( input ) the character and different operation , that is , to realize the universal property of the electric motor .

  30. 分析和讨论的结果表明,分梳刺辊转速与纺纱号数的合理选配对保证纺纱品质指标、降低成纱不匀率和粗细节有着重要的意义。

    The results of analysis and discussion show that the proper choice of opening roller speed and its reasonable match with the yarn count is significant for ensuring the spinning quality index as well as reducing unevenness , thin and thick places of the yarn .