
  • 网络mind-reading;mind-read;The Listener;mindreading
  1. 眼下,读心还只是科幻小说中的情节。

    For the moment , mind-reading is still science fiction .

  2. 第一个是心智理论,换言之读心的能力。

    The first key ingredient is theory of mind , or the mind-reading ability .

  3. 读心能力在正常发育中会顺利开展。

    Such abilities unfold seamlessly in the normal course of development .

  4. 这是旗帜节目还是读心节目啊?

    Is this a show on flags or mind reading ?

  5. 父亲:你是什么了?读心师?

    Father : What are you , a mind-reader now ?

  6. 快活情世,何能读心。

    The joyful sentiments , how to read your heart .

  7. 奥巴马的读心者又一次赶过了一个截稿期。

    Obama 's mind reader has crashed his way through yet another deadline .

  8. 研究人员还分析了眼神读心能力测试的结果。

    The researchers also analyzed results from the Reading the Mind in the Eyes test .

  9. 好好看,认真学,你可在任何时候,任何地方做这个有趣的读心特技愚弄你的朋友!

    Fun mind-reading stunt you can do to fool your friends - anytime , anywhere !

  10. 又不是第一个能读心的鬼魂了。

    And it 's not the first one to be able to readpeople 's minds .

  11. 如果他不会读心,那么他是如何知道我在想什么呢?

    How did he know what I was thinking if he couldn 't really read my mind ?

  12. 我们不能支配自然,只能顺应自然。读心能力在正常发育中会顺利开展。

    We cannot command Nature , except by obeying her . Such abilities unfold seamlessly in the normal course of development .

  13. 爱德华:你看,我告诉你我可以读心,结果你觉得是你有什么问题。

    Edward : See , I tell you I can read minds , and you think there 's something wrong with you .

  14. 并且读心能力和自我控制能力不足经常和一些严重的发展问题比如多动症和自闭症联系在一起。

    In fact , deficits in mind-reading and self-control abilities are associated with serious developmental problems , such as ADHD and autism .

  15. 读心能力在撒谎时很重要因为撒谎从根本上说就是我知道你不知道我知道。

    Mind reading is important for lying because the basis of lying is that I know you don 't know what I know .

  16. 这样的谎言才让人信服。我们发现那些小孩子中读心能力和自我控制能力更强的更早开始说谎也成为了更老练的撒谎者。

    And we found that those young children who have more advanced mind-reading and self-control abilities tell lies earlier and are more sophisticated liars .

  17. 我们整出的舞台魔术表演是精炼、业的表演艺术,融合了手法技巧,喜剧,读心和幻术。

    Our full-scale stage magic show is a cutting edge , professional act - complete with manipulation , comedy , mind reading and illusion .

  18. 美军正投入数百万美元研究经费,研制读心头盔,使士兵在战场上可以通过心灵感应进行交流。

    The US Army is dedicating millions of research dollars into discovering building helmets to allow soldiers to telepathically communicate with one another on the battlefield .

  19. 不过,最后这个特点的部分原因是女人总体来说比男人更善于“读心”。

    This last effect , however , was partly explained by the fact that women , on average , were better at " mindreading " than men .

  20. 读书也“读心”《科学》杂志去年的另一项研究则显示,阅读小说能让人更容易理解他人的心理和观点,而这也是人际关系中最重要的能力。

    Another study published last year in Science showed that reading novels helps people understand others " mental states and beliefs , a crucial skill in building relationships .

  21. 我知道他认为是害怕让我紧张不安。而我又一次对此感到高兴,我是唯一一个他无法读心的人。

    I knew he thought it was fear that upset me , and I was grateful again that I was the one person whose mind he couldn 't hear .

  22. 他们认为,机器人跳舞和不管用的读心技术之类的表演,并不是中国新取得的技术威力的展示,而是掩盖了中国在其他领域缺乏进展的事实。

    Rather than show China 's newfound tech might , they argue , spectacles like dancing robots and ineffective mind readers cover up the country 's lack of progress in other areas .

  23. 更令人意外的是,不管采取哪种交流方式,聪明团队最重要的特点仍是这些:充分交流,平等参与,读心能力强。

    More surprisingly , the most important ingredients for a smart team remained constant regardless of its mode of interaction : members who communicated a lot , participated equally and possessed good emotion-reading skills .

  24. 那可能看起来不是很多,但如果车子能“读心”,他们能在高速中提前3.66米停止,那可以意味着是受惊还是受死的区别了。

    That might not seem like much , but if cars could read minds , they could stop 12 feet sooner at highway speeds . Which could mean the difference between a scare and a smash .

  25. 第二,聪明团队的成员在一项名为通过眼神读心的测试中得分较高,这项测试测量的是仅通过眼神解读复杂情绪状态的能力。

    Second , their members scored higher on a test called Reading the Mind in the Eyes , which measures how well people can read complex emotional states from images of faces with only the eyes visible .

  26. 汉布里克和其他专家说,大脑衰老过程中更复杂情况的细节还很不清楚,眼神读心能力等社会化衡量标准也没有被大量用于此类研究。

    The details of this more textured picture of the aging brain are still far from clear , and social measures like the Reading the Mind in the Eyes test have not been used much in this kind of research , Dr. Hambrick and other experts said .

  27. 那是青春诗句记号,莫怪读了心还会跳。

    It is youthful poem marks Moguai will read the heart jump .

  28. 事实上我能读她的心

    Actually , I can read her mind

  29. 我读过他的心,他也读了我的。

    I read his mind , he read mine .

  30. 请别读我的心

    Please don 't read my mind .