
dǐ xiàn
  • bottom line;baseline;end line; under thread;planted agent
底线 [dǐ xiàn]
  • (1) [spies]∶潜藏在敌人内部的人

  • (2) [baseline]∶长方形比赛场地中短边的边线

  • 射门不准,球出了底线

  1. 马丁内兹发球的时候通常站在底线处。

    Martinez , when she served , usually stayed on the baseline .

  2. 而是成了一种成就的法则和底线。

    but a norm and baseline of achievement .

  3. 发球时你的脚必须站在底线的外面。

    Your feet must be behind the line when you serve .

  4. 底线是,我们今天必须作出决定。

    The bottom line is that we have to make a decision today .

  5. 你必须搞清状况以及自己的底线。

    You have to know what 's what and when to draw the line

  6. 她说95,000英镑是她的底线。

    She says £ 95,000 is her bottom line .

  7. 虎队首先底线得分,打破僵局。

    The Tigers broke the ice with a touchdown .

  8. 当他们自己的队得了底线分时,人群高声呼喊起来。

    The crowd yelled when the hometown team scored a touchdown .

  9. 我们必须使货币保持在浮动底线之上。

    We must keep the currency above the float 's bottom limits .

  10. 它是我们的底线。

    It is our bottom line .

  11. 我和思琪本是朋友,但当时她不还钱,做得太过分了,越过了我的底线。

    I was2 friends with Siqi but she overstepped the mark when she didn 't give that money back .

  12. 底线就是己所不欲勿施于人,这样晚上才能睡的香。

    The bottom line is you sleep well at night by treating people the way you want to be treated .

  13. 好吧.开工后,给我15个工作日,我就再降个百分之十.10天如何?我要12天,否则免谈.成交.Vocabulary重要词汇bottomline总价底线

    Mel : Okay.Give me fifteen working days from start to finish and I 'll lower the price 10 % .

  14. 国际商业机器公司(IBM)的一位本地经理GeorgeChen写到,这些媒体人令人厌恶,他们没有职业底线。

    ' These media people are disgusting , ' wrote local IBM executive George Chen . ' They have no professional bottom line . '

  15. 底线是,除非您完全希望让Director服务器自动启动,这样可能会省去一些手动启动的麻烦。

    Bottom line is , unless you absolutely want to have Director server starts up automatically , you could probably save yourself some hassle doing it manually .

  16. 在马来西亚航空(MalaysiaAirlines)失联370航班搜索工作仍在持续之际,马来西亚似乎触及了中国“熊猫外交”的底线,

    Malaysia appears to be discovering the limits of China 's panda diplomacy as the search for missing Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 rumbles on .

  17. 了解到这一点,您的提高账本底线以及ROI的机会将显示出敏捷的优秀的运行效率。

    Knowing this , your opportunity for improving the bottom line and thus the ROI is to show the superior operational efficiency of Agile .

  18. 当然,如果这样的容忍没有底线,也许某一天你醒来,结果发现自己的公司突然成了第二个安然(Enron)。

    The trouble with letting too much slide , of course , is that one day you wake up and you 're Enron .

  19. 我们仍然在解决这个问题,但底线是能够帮助您改善性能,因为新的ODS(OnDiskStructure)专门用于优化索引和搜索。

    We 're still working on this , but the bottom line is that you can expect improvements because of the new ODS ( On Disk Structure ), which is designed to make indexing and searching better .

  20. nitty-gritty还表示底线或者实际情况,比如在这个例子当中:

    The nitty-gritty can also mean the bottom line or reality of a situation , as in this example :

  21. 底线是应用程序必须能够根据一个URL获取一个JSON对象,但是执行生成JSON的任务完全取决于您。

    The bottom line is that the application needs to be able to fetch a JSON object based on a single URL , but you accomplish the task of generating the JSON is up to you .

  22. 底线是:罗技已达到和超过了在介绍其新的业绩鼠标MX市场上功能最强大的鼠标传感器,微软最近的鼠标技术创新。

    The bottom line : Logitech has met and surpassed Microsoft 's recent mouse technology innovations by introducing the most versatile mouse sensor on the market in its new Performance Mouse MX .

  23. 底线:如果你想和能买得起阿斯顿马丁DB9,你可能会得到一,不管别人说什么。

    The bottom line : If you want and can afford an Aston Martin DB9 , you will probably get one , no matter what anyone else says .

  24. 利比亚总理巴格达迪•马哈茂迪(Al-Baghdadial-Mahmoudi)告诉俄罗斯特使,卡扎菲上校下台是不可能越过的底线。

    The Libyan Prime Minister Baghdadi al-Mahmoudi has told a Russian envoy that Colonel Gaddafi 's departure from power is a red line that cannot be crossed .

  25. 老板:当然了!这是底线!

    Interviewer : Of course , that 's the bottom line !

  26. 我冲击底线,吸引防守。

    I 'll run a down-and-in , draw in the defense .

  27. 底线就是你肯定得花费一些时间。

    The bottom line is you 're going to lose time .

  28. 这不应该是奖励,而应该是底线。

    They shouldn 't be bonuses-they should be the bottom line .

  29. 底线和以小写字母开始的变数名称。

    Variable'underscore and the name of variable starting with a lowercase letter .

  30. 但是底线是球员不要自己把受伤的事情说出来当表现不好的藉口。

    But the bottom line is they don 't talk about it .