
  • 网络Bottom flow;base flow
  1. 高温真实气体底部流动的NS方程数值计算

    Numerical Calculation of Base flow for NS equations of High Temperature Real Gas

  2. 关于超音速弹丸底部流动的若干问题

    Some problems on the base flow of projectile at supersonic speed

  3. 基于两方程湍流模型的DES方法在超音速圆柱底部流动计算中的应用

    Technical Details in Applying DES Method to Computing Supersonic Cylinder-Base Flow

  4. 火箭底部流动的TVD数值模拟

    Numerical simulation of flow in rocket base by TVD

  5. 用RANS/LES混合方法研究超声速底部流动

    Study on Supersonic Base Flow Using RANS / LES Methods

  6. 浅化作用下不规则波浪波高及底部流动特性实验

    The characteristics of wave height and flow field under shoaling irregular waves

  7. 底部流动的控制体积分方法

    Control Volume Method of Integral for the Base Flow

  8. 本文扼要地介绍了底部流动研究现状、新型收缩尾部的特点以及底部排气和外部燃烧等减阻技术。

    This paper presents numerical investigations of influence of base bleed on increasing range of base bleed projectile .

  9. 底喷流动具有添质加能和引射两种相反作用,并能消弱侧喷流对弹丸底部流动的影响。

    The base bleed has two contrary action of providing energy and ejection , and it can weaken the effect of lateral jet upon base flow .

  10. 调整器允许液体从容器的底部流动,通过一个蒸发器变成气体。接着气体聚集在容器的顶部。

    It is controlled by a regulator that opens to allow liquid to flow from the bottom of the container , through a vaporizer , where it becomes a gas .

  11. 弹丸侧喷流与绕流的相互干扰形成了包含喷口前激波、再附激波以及沿喷流边界发展的膨胀波等复杂的波系结构,并延伸影响到弹底部流动。

    The flow field that results from the interaction of lateral jets injection into supersonic flow over projectile has complicated shocks wave patterns , which include regions of shocks and expand waves , and the lateral jet interaction also effects base flow of projectile .

  12. 计算表明带横向喷流的超音速底部流动由于喷流与来流的强干扰和底部流动本身的复杂性使得网格生成和湍流模型对数值解的影响很大。

    It is shown the grid generation and turbulent model have great influence on the accuracy of the solution of a supersonic base flow with transverse jets because of the strong interaction between the jets and the main stream and the inherent complexity associated with base flow .

  13. 循环流化床底部区流动与传热特性研究

    Studies on Hydrodynamics & Heat Transfer in the Bottom Zone in a Circulating Fluidized Bed

  14. 研究表明:底部水平段流动主流速度分布比较均匀,颗粒跟随流体运动;

    The results show that the axial velocity is uniform and the secondary flow is negligible in horizontal film .

  15. 研究不可压缩流体流经圆柱体底部时,形成的底部流动,其数值方法可采用由D.B.Spalding、S.V.Patankar发展起来的控制体积分方法。

    This paper studies the base flow caused by the incompressible fluid past through the cylinder base . The control volume method of integral developed by D. B. Spalding and S. V. Patankar is used .