
  • 网络self-propelled ship
  1. 由于尺度效应等的影响,小尺度自航船模的操纵性能和实船存在偏差,这需要获得实船的K、T等操纵性能指数以便作为船模操纵性能率定和修正的依据。

    Due to the influence of scale effect and so on , the deviation exist between small scale self-propelled ship model and real ship .

  2. 小尺度自航船模试验及技术特点

    Small-sized Self-propelled Ship Model Test and Technical Features

  3. 自由自航船模数据采集和处理系统

    Data collection and processing system for free-running ship model test

  4. 利用自航船模试验预报分节顶推船队操纵性的研究

    Study on Prediction of Maneuverability of Integrated Barge Push-Train by Self-Propelled Model Test

  5. 小比尺自航船模的应用

    Application of small scale self - propelled ship Models

  6. 通过遥控自航船模上滩试验,对常用的船舶阻力计算方法进行了对比与分析。

    According to the experiment of ship model , calculation methods of ship resistance were compared .

  7. 自航船模的航行特性及其相似衡准小尺度自航船模在通航中的应用

    Navigation Characteristics and Its Similarity Criteria of a Radio-Controlled Barges Model in River Models Navigable Application of Small Size Self-sailing Boat Models

  8. 施工现场的原型观测表明:水工模型和自航船模试验取得了预期效果。

    The prototype observation in the construction site shows that the tests of hydraulic model and self propelled ship model have gained the expected results .

  9. 自航船模试验成果表明:最终付诸实施的大江截流施工布置以及戗堤进占程序和方式可以满足通航设计要求。

    The results from the self propelled ship model show that the final construction arrangement of river closure and the dike advancing sequences and ways could meet the requirements of navigation design .

  10. 在航行中,且船速不小于七节,非自航船,航速不小于四节;船舶在港口和自港开航

    Discharge in the course of navigating , and at a speed of not less than 7 knots and for non-self-navigating vessels , not less than 4 knots ; at and from the port

  11. 利用自航船模研究不稳定流对航行影响的探讨小型自航式起重船改造为耙吸式挖泥船在扬子石化航道疏浚工程中的运用

    Study of Influence of Unsteady Flow on Navigation by Using Model Ship Reconstruction of Light-duty Auto-sailing Crane to be Harrow Suck Type Dredger and its Application in Dredge Engineering of Yangzi Petrifaction Sea-route

  12. 实验证明自航船模控制系统达到了设计要求,可以实现船模电机的速度伺服控制和实验数据的采集。

    The results of experiment show that the control system of the self-propulsion ship model meets the design requirements . So servo control of the ship model motor is realized , and experiment data are collected .