
  1. 孙良没有亲戚朋友。

    Sun Liang had no relative and no friends .

  2. 成千上万的鸟从四面八方飞进孙良的小屋里。

    Thousands of birds came from all directions and flew into Sun Liang 's hut .

  3. 他叫孙良。

    His name was Sun Liang .

  4. 据伐木工人世代相传,老把头叫孙良。

    According to the legends passed down through generations of lumbermen , the laobatou was named sun liang .

  5. 孙良死了的那个早晨,邻居们惊奇地发现空中飞满了鸟儿。

    The morning after Sun Liang died , the neighbors were amazed to see the sky full of birds .

  6. 没到中午,它们就把小屋埋起来,把它变成了孙良的坟墓。

    Before noon , they had filled his whole hut with soil and turned it into a tomb for Sun Liang .

  7. 就这样,孙良救了很多动物,但是他没省下一个钱,因此一直很穷。

    In this way , he saved many animals , but he didn 't save any money , so he was still very poor .

  8. 他们进去看个究竟,发现孙良已经死在床上,他们想那些鸟儿一定是来啄食他的肉的。

    The neighbors came to see what was wrong . They saw Sun lying dead on his bed . They thought the birds must have come to peck the flesh off his bones .