
  1. 我们认为,可能是话题太过普通或是不够贴合我们的目标观众&国内年轻人的需求。孙宇晨说。

    We thought , maybe the topics were too common or not relevant enough to our target audience & young Chinese back at home , says Sun .

  2. 23岁的孙宇晨就读于宾夕法尼亚大学(以下简称:宾大)东亚研究专业。他一直梦想着能够创办一家电视台或报纸。

    Sun Yuchen , 23 , who majored in East Asian studies at the University of Pennsylvania , has always dreamed about launching a TV station or a newspaper .

  3. 起初,我们做节目就是想表达自己的看法和观点,而现在,数百万中国观众收看节目并热烈讨论,我们的节目内容已经成了大家热议的话题,孙宇晨说。

    Initially , our program was aimed at expressing our own thoughts and views , but now , with millions of Chinese watching and discussing it , it has become a source for public discussions , Sun says .

  4. 通过分析问题所在,孙宇晨意识到他们所处的文化环境截然不同;要是打造一档跨文化对比的脱口秀节目,来让更多的中国人了解美国的社会与环境,这种方式可能会更好。

    Analyzing their problem , Sun realized that they are in a completely different cultural surrounding and that it might be better to take the approach of a cultural comparison talk show aiming to let more Chinese understand US society and culture .