
  • 网络Glide Foundation;glide found
  1. 今年是巴菲特参加拍卖会的第12年,这令旧金山慈善机构格莱德基金会受益。

    It 's the12th year that Buffett has participated in the auction , which benefits San Francisco-based charity , the Glide Foundation .

  2. 每年的午餐拍卖会是格莱德基金会收入的巨大驱动器,该基金会以1700万美元的年度预算进行运作。

    The annual lunch auction is a huge revenue-generator at Glide , which operates on an annual budget of17 million dollars .

  3. 与亿万富翁沃伦·巴菲特共进午餐的拍卖会在本周再次拉开帷幕。这顿全球最昂贵的午餐所募集的善款将捐给旧金山格莱德基金会,以帮助穷人和无家可归者。

    Billionaire Warren Buffett will again try to sell the world 's most expensive lunch this week to raise money for a San Francisco charity that helps the poor and homeless .