
  1. 抑扬格诗中的音步是由非重读音节后跟着一个重读音节组成,如'delay'。

    An iambic foot consists of an unstressed syllable followed by a stressed syllable as in ` delay ' .

  2. 以后再谈六步格诗和喜剧吧,现在让我们继续讨论悲剧;但在此之前让我们把在已经探讨过的东西基础上所作的定义做个总结。

    Comedy for consideration hereafter , let us proceed now to the discussion of Tragedy ; before doing so , however , we must gather up the definition resulting from what has been said .

  3. 我明白了什么是抑扬格五音步诗,还有它为什么听起来那么悦耳。

    and I learned that iambic pentameter is and why it sounds so good to human ears .

  4. 又通过梳理历代对《古诗十九首》的拟作,发现拟作分就题发挥和用古人格作自家诗两种类型。

    And by combing history for " Nineteen ," the intended , found to be as divided " on the title to play " and " make their own personality with the ancient poem " types .

  5. 不压韵的诗(通常是抑扬格五步格诗)。

    Unrhymed verse ( usually in iambic pentameter ) .

  6. 一种适合英雄的或者严肃的题材的韵体形式;长短格六步格诗或者短长格五步格诗。

    A verse form suited to the treatment of heroic or elevated themes ; dactylic hexameter or iambic pentameter .