
  • 网络Honglei
  1. 演员孙红雷饰演一名用14年时间澄清指控的前警官;

    Respectively , actor Sun Honglei plays a former police officer who takes 14 years to clear the name of an accusation4 ;

  2. 而如果这还不能满足您的胃口,在电影和电视领域都有着突出贡献的一线演员孙红雷想必不会让人失望。

    As if that 's not enough , Mo has thrown in Sun Honglei , China 's leading man who has also an untainted record from both his TV and film work .

  3. 而作为一个男主角孙红雷的粉丝,我对他在电影里面始终被厚重的头盔包裹着,同时说了不到五句台词而感到不悦。

    As for fans of Sun , the leading man , for most of the film , his handsome head is covered with a helmet and he had no more than five lines and couple of grunting sounds in the entire film .

  4. 《毒战》:这部猫捉老鼠的惊悚片讲述的是一个中国警察(孙红雷饰)不惜一切代价抓获香港毒贩(古天乐饰)的故事。这是一部典型的杜琪峰作品,也是这位香港导演首次为中国内地公司执导电影。

    Drug War : This cat-and-mouse thriller about a Chinese cop ( Sun Honglei ) who will do whatever it takes to nab a Hong Kong drug dealer ( Louis Koo ) , is vintage Johnnie To , a Hong Kong director who is producing his first film for a mainland Chinese company .