
  1. 随着现代结核病控制策略的应用,采用DOTS策略,抓好流动人口的结核病发现和管理,控制耐药病例的产生,才能有效地控制结核病疫情的流行。

    In order to control tuberculosis , the most important methods are to implement the modern tuberculosis control strategies ( DOTS ), to improve the detection and management for tuberculosis in the floating population , and to limite the production of MDR-TB cases .

  2. 结核病控制策略对防治效应影响的分析

    The analysis of ICT affected by the different tuberculosis control policies

  3. 宁波市现代结核病控制策略实施与推广效果评价

    Evaluation on the implementation and popularization of modern tuberculosis control strategy in Ningbo City

  4. 安徽省全面实施结核病控制策略的效果分析

    Analysis on effects of implementation of DOTS strategy control for tuberculosis diseases in Anhui province

  5. 结论:实施现代结核病控制策略是结核病防治工作的有效措施,要控制结核病,必须全面实施现代结核病控制策略。

    Conclusions Implementing DOTS was the most major control measure in order to control tuberculosis .

  6. 湘西自治州实施现代结核病控制策略15年效果分析

    Effect of Implementing Modern Strategies for TB Control for 15 Years in Xiangxi Autonomous Prefecture

  7. 结论芜湖市实施的现代结核病控制策略有较好效果。

    Conclusions Wuhu city had got the anticipated effect by implementing the modern tuberculosis control strategy .

  8. 目的:探讨实施现代结核病控制策略防治肺结核病的效果。

    Objective To explore the evaluate effect of implementing DOTS for pulmonary tuberculosis prevention and control .

  9. 结论:荆门市实施现代肺结核病控制策略取得了预期效果。

    Thus a conclusion is drawn that the control of Pulmonary Tuberculosis has achieved some expected effect .

  10. [结论]济宁市实施的现代结核病控制策略成效显著。

    Ratio of cost to benefit was 1:270.63 . [ Conclusion ] TB control strategy was effective in Ji'ning city .

  11. 方法:采用现代结核病控制策略和技术规范,根据全市结核病报表分析结核病人登记及治疗效果。

    Methods Applying modern tuberculosis control strategy and technical specification , according to Shaoguan statement analysis and tuberculosis patients ' registration and treatment effect .

  12. 目的分析霍山县肺结核病人发现现状,评价霍山县实施现代结核病控制策略的效果。

    Objective To analyze case-finding of pulmonary tuberculosis in Huoshan county , to evaluate the impact of implementing the modern tuberculosis control strategy in Huoshan .

  13. 结论通过政府承诺实施世界银行贷款项目,并将现代结核病控制策略应用于结核病防治工作中,使得广西边境地区结核病防治工作取得很大成效。

    Conclusion After government undertaking to implement World Bank Loan TB Project and modern tuberculosis control strategy in TB control work , the TB control effect is developed significantly .

  14. 优势为:以现代结核病控制策略为指导,健全的市、县结核病控制项目执行体系,良好的外界支持氛围,有效的肺结核病人管理协调机制。

    Strengthen : a modern TB control strategy as a guide , a perfect implementation system of TB control institutions , a good external support , effective cooperation mechanism in TB patients management .

  15. 区域人口流动与结核病的控制策略

    Regional Population Floating and Strategy of Tuberculosis Control

  16. 结核病控制中DOTS策略相关因素评价

    Evaluation of the influence factors on strategy of DOTS in the tuberculosis control

  17. 结论绩溪县结核病控制实施DOTS策略取得较好的效果,新发涂阳病人发现率和治愈率均达到要求。

    Conclusion The modern tuberculosis control strategies ( DOTS ) got good effects in Jixi County . The new smear positive discovery rate met the work request .

  18. 广西结核病现状及其控制策略研究

    The tuberculosis epidemic situation and study on control strategy in Guangxi

  19. 为制定更适合人口分散、交通不便、以牧民为主的少数民族地区的结核病控制措施和策略提供依据。

    Furthermore to establish the measure and strategy of tuberculosis control which is more adapt to the population decentralization , traffic discommodity and minority zone .

  20. 目的了解我国肺结核病人的社会经济学现状,为今后制定有关结核病控制政策和策略,改善结核病控制服务等提供科学依据。

    Objective To realize the socio-economic situation of pulmonary tuberculosis patients and provide the scientific data for the revision of tuberculosis control strategies and policy of the national tuberculosis control progarm as well as to improve tuberculosis control services .

  21. 目的了解广西利用世界银行贷款等结核病控制项目,实施现代结核病控制策略(DOTS)以来新涂阳和涂阳肺结核病例登记及治疗转归情况,为结核病控制的可持续发展提供技术和政策依据。

    Objective To know the situation of case register and cure outcome of pulmonary tuberculosis in Guangxi in the past 4 years after implementing Modern Tuberculosis Control Strategy ( DOTS ) with World Bank Loan TB control Project to provide technique and policy support for sustaining development of TB control .

  22. 目的了解农村肺结核病防治知识知晓情况,为结核病控制健康促进策略的制定和实施提供依据。

    [ Objective ] To investigate the witting rate of tuberculosis knowledge in the countryside and provide basis for establishing counterm è asures for tuberculosis control .

  23. [目的]评价结核病控制的成本效益,为继续执行现代结核病控制策略提供科学依据。

    [ Objective ] To analyze the cost-benefit of TB control , provide scientific basis for the implementation of TB control strategy .

  24. 目的运用成本-效果、成本-效益方法对湖北省结核病控制项目进行卫生经济学评价,为推行DOTS结核病控制策略,加强结核病控制的经济支持能力提供依据。

    Objective To provide scientific basis for carrying out the strategy and strengthening the ability of the economic sustain according to the results of evaluating the cost - effectiveness and cost - efficiency of the current tuberculosis control strategy of DOTS in rural area of Hubei Province .

  25. 结论近10年全省结核病疫情的快速下降,显示了全省全面实施现代结核病控制策略的成效。

    Conclusion The great decrease of tuberculosis prevalence in the ten years later substantially indicates the efficacy of implementing modern tuberculosis control strategy in the Province .

  26. 目的为了尽快降低农村结核病疫情,我们在长治市5个县实施了加强与促进结核病控制策略。

    Objective To reduce the incidence of tuberculosis in rural areas as quickly as possible , the strategy of intensifying and promoting the control of tuberculosis was carried out in 5 cities of Changzhi City .

  27. 目的分析海南省世界银行贷款结核病控制项目实施七年进展及成效。探讨项目结束后结核病控制工作实施策略。

    Ve To analyze the results Control Project with World Bank Loan implemented in Hainan Province in a period of seven years and provide experience for the tuberculosis control in the future .

  28. 目的通过对外来人口结核病患者的现状分析,了解该人群的结核病流行特征,为制定外来人口结核病控制策略提供科学依据。

    Objective To analyze the epidemiological features of pulmonary tuberculosis in floating population and provide basis for making control measures .

  29. 结论结核病疫情发展预测模型能良好反映结核病流行实际过程,适合对结核病干预措施、控制策略的评价以及疫情发展预测。

    Conclusion The tuberculosis epidemic situation prediction model could reflect the actual tuberculosis evolution exactly , and was fit for tuberculosis control measures evaluation and epidemic situation prediction .