
yé menr
  • men of two or more generations
爷们儿[yé menr]
  1. 我觉得你比你自己想象的要爷们儿得多。

    I think you 're more masculine than you give yourself credit for .

  2. 不能再像个小姑娘一样发牢骚了,要爷们儿点!

    It 's time to stop whining like a little girl and man up !

  3. 我就真的要怀疑你是不是爷们儿了。

    I 'm gonna seriously question your manhood .

  4. 老少爷们儿扔飞镖。

    Old little man throw dart .

  5. 我今天感觉太爷们儿了,我应该去弄伤我的脚趾。

    I was feeling so manly today , then I had to go and stub my toe .

  6. 我个人很喜欢这首歌儿,很大程度上因为这年月身边像娘儿们的爷们儿越来越多了。

    I love this song , particularly because we got more and more dudes looking like ladies these day .

  7. 我终于明白,要养一个儿子我首先要爷们儿起来。

    I realized that if I was gonna raise a boy , I needed to butch up my life .

  8. 风流爷们儿和女人杀手的本质区别在于他会不遗余力地使女人(们)开心,哪怕只是短短的一瞬间。

    It differs from lady killer in the sense that he shows great interests in making them happy , at least for a while .

  9. 应对:跳过那些无聊的争论吧,爷们儿点,让他清楚他的做法让人难以接受。

    Solution : Without a flat-out argument , man up , draw a line in the sand and let him know that his actions are unacceptable .

  10. 有些小爷那年月打棒球可是件挺爷们儿的事儿打得比别人多,但技术水平却相差甚远。

    Some guys and it was a guy thing in those days played more often than others ; but there was room for a wide range of skill levels .

  11. 有些小爷——那年月打棒球可是件挺“爷们儿”的事儿——打得比别人多,但技术水平却相差甚远。

    Some guys - and it was a " guy " thing in those days - played more often than others ; but there was room for a wide range of skill levels .