
  • 网络wangfujing bookstore
  1. 今天不一样。易中天教授要在王府井书店签名售书。

    Yes , I know . But Professor Yi Zhongtian is going to sign books at the book store .

  2. 那时我那么崇拜文化,一下火车就去了王府井书店,还没拆的那个。

    I was a big fan of culture and art then , so I headed to the Wangfujing bookshop , the one which has not been demolished , right after I disembarked .

  3. 圣诞平安夜之后,她在西单地铁和王府井书店前等公共场所行善的照片一直备受瞩目。

    Pictures of her acts of kindness at public places such as the Xidan subway station and in front of the Wangfujing bookstore have been doing the rounds ever since the night of Christmas Eve .