
  • 网络Yin Yang Deficiency Syndrome;Deficiencies of yin and yang Syndrome
  1. 痰湿壅盛证和肝阳上亢证明显高于阴虚阳亢证和阴阳两虚证(P<0.05)。

    Sensitivity in both Excessive Damp ? phlegm Syndrome , and Hyperactivity of Liver ? yang Syndrome , is higher obviously than in Syndrome of Deficiency of both Yin and Yang ( P < 0.05 ) .

  2. 随着临床肾穿病理诊断IgA肾病Lee分级的级别越高,临床中医辨证诊断为阴阳两虚证的可能性越大,诊断为脾肾气虚证的可能性越小。

    If the pathology grade of Lee in IgA nephropathy is more higher , the probability of deficiency syndrome of both YIN and YANG is bigger , the probability of syndrome of deficiency of kidney-QI and spleen-QI is smaller .

  3. PTH水平在阴阳两虚证中最高,且高于整体的平均值;其阴阳两虚证与阴虚证、阳虚证比较有显著差异性。

    Four PTH levels in the deficiency of yin and yang the highest , and higher than the overall average value of two ; the Yin and yang deficiency and yin deficiency , Yang deficiency compared to have the remarkable difference .

  4. 阴阳两虚证占81.8%。

    Deficiency of yin and yang syndrome accunted for 81.8 % .

  5. 阴阳两虚证反映全呼吸道通气功能障碍;

    Deficiency of yin and yang syndrome reflects the disturbance of ventilation of all respiratory tracts ;

  6. 阴阳两虚证随着病程延长出现的频次增多。

    Both Yin and Yang defieiency syndrome as the course of the disease appears to extend the frequency increase .

  7. 与之相比阴阳两虚证中混和性通气功能障碍比率增加。

    The ratio of disturbance of mixed ventilation function increased as compared with deficiency of qi and yin syndrome .

  8. 血钙水平在阴阳两虚证中最低、且低于总数的均值。

    Serum calcium levels in the Yin and yang deficiency syndrome in two , and lower than the minimum total mean .

  9. 相应的本虚证中阴虚证与阳虚证、阴阳两虚证有显著差异。

    The deficiency of yin and yang deficiency syndrome of deficiency of yin and Yang , two there is significant difference .

  10. 在激素减量阶段,肝肾阴虚及气阴两虚证增加较为显著;在激素维持阶段,气阴两虚及阴阳两虚证较为突出。

    In hormone decrement stage , deficiency of Yin of liver and kidney and deficiency of qi and yin are comparatively remarkable ;

  11. 肾阴阳两虚证为:头晕、腰膝酸软、耳鸣;

    Deficiency syndrome of both kidney yin and yang are in terms of vertigo , tinnitus and the sore lumbus and knees ;

  12. 肝火亢盛证患者随着年龄的增大而显著的减少,阴虚阳亢证呈现先增后减的趋势,阴阳两虚证则随着年龄的增大而显著增多。

    Liver fire hyperactivity syndrome is significantly reduced as the age increase , yin deficiency and yang excess syndrome showing decreased after increasing trend .

  13. 通过多元回归分析得阴虚证、阳虚证、阴阳两虚证、血瘀证、痰湿证、肝郁证等回归方程。

    The regression equations of syndromes of yin deficiency , yang deficiency , yin-yang deficiency , blood stasis , phlegm damp and liver stagnation were obtained .

  14. 阴阳两虚证的KT/V、血红蛋白和血浆白蛋白均值均显著低于其他三证(P<0.05)。

    The KT / V , plasma hemoglobin and albumin level of Yin-yang deficiency syndrome was lower than other three syndromes ( P < 0.05 ) .

  15. 与同期脾虚痰湿证、阴阳两虚证相比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05或P<0.01);

    The difference was significant as compared with the patterns of spleen deficiency with phlegm-damp , yin - and yang-deficiency ( P < 0.05 or P < 0.01 ) .

  16. 但在一定条件下,证候与体质状态并不一致,如气虚及阳虚质中以肾阴阳两虚证多见。

    Syndromes and constitution is not same under certain conditions , for example , the deficiency of both yin and yang of kidney is common in QI and Yang constitution .

  17. 通过对本病症状表现、临床用药规律的考察确认,肾阴阳两虚证是围绝经期综合征的病变本质。

    To confirm that the pathological essence of the peri-menopausal period syndrome is the deficiency of kidney-yin and kidney-yang , we investigated the symptoms and clinical treating principles of the disease .

  18. 结果:围绝经期综合征证型分布频数依次为阴虚阳亢证、肝郁气滞证、阴阳两虚证(P<0.01);

    The results showed that the frequency of syndromes distribution in perimenopausal syndrome were Yin deficiency and Yang excess , liver Qi depression , Yin-yang deficiency in order ( P < 0.01 ) .

  19. 本证中阴阳两虚证无论是在营养状况还是残肾功能上均差于其他证型,脾肾阳虚型超滤量低于脾肾气虚型。

    The yin-yang deficiency was worse than the other type , whether on the nutritional status or residual renal function . Ultrafiltration volume of Pi-Shen yang-deficiency was lower than the Pi-Shen qi-dificiency . 5 .

  20. 不同中医证型高血压患者及对照组颈动脉血管重构计数指标比较中,阴阳两虚证和痰湿壅盛证患者的颈动脉内膜增厚和动脉硬化斑块形成例数明显高于对照组(均P<0.05)。

    According to the distribution of abnormal cases , increased thickness of tunica intima of artery and number of plaque were higher than those in control group ( all P < ( 0.05 )) .

  21. 本虚证中,高频耳鸣以气阴两虚证出现频率最高,低频耳鸣以阴阳两虚证出现频率最高。

    In the deficiency symptom , the highest frequency of High-frequency tinnitus appears in deficiency of both QI and Yin ; The highest frequency of Low-frequency tinnitus appears in deficiency of both Yin and Yang .

  22. 结果:1、原发性高血压的四个证型构成比从大到小依次排列为:阴虚阳亢证>痰湿壅盛证>阴阳两虚证>肝火亢盛证。

    Results : 1 . Arrange four TCM syndrome patterns of EH according to their constitute ratio in order : yin deficiency and yang hyperactivity syndrome > excessive phlegm-dampness syndrome > yin-yang deficiency syndrome > liver-fire hyperactivity syndrome .

  23. 按中医证型将患者分为3组阴虚热盛证组32例、气阴两虚证组36例、阴阳两虚证组35例。

    They were , according to TCM syndrome types , divided into 3 groups : yin deficiency with heat excess ( 32 cases ), deficiency of both qi and yin ( 36 cases ), and deficiency of both yin and yang ( 35 cases ) groups .

  24. 常见中医证型有痰热内阻证、肝火亢盛证、阴虚阳亢证、气阴两虚证、痰湿壅盛证、阴阳两虚证六种。

    The common chinese medicine syndrome types had : syndrome of phlegm-heat blocking internally , overabundant liver-fire syndrome , syndrome of hyperactivity of yang due to yin deficiency , deficiency of both qi and yin syndrome , phlegm-damp syndrome , deficiency of both yin and yang .