
  • 网络imagine dragons;Magnum
  1. 在挣得值方法分析的过程中用工作分解结构(WBS)原理画1教学楼工程的工作分解结构图和用梦龙项目管理系统画本工程的进度计划横道图。

    Earned Value Analysis in the process of is used the work breakdown structure ( WBS ) No.1 the teaching principles to paint a building project work breakdown structure chart and project management system with the Magnum picture of the project schedule bar chart .

  2. 并根据方案利用梦龙项目管理软件编制出优化后的里程碑计划、横道图计划和网络图计划,同时对优化前后关键路径的总费用进行了对比。

    At the same time the cost of the critical path both before and after duration-cost optimization are compared by the milestone plan , Gantt chart plan and network diagram after the optimization in accordance with the Magnum project management software program .

  3. 自2012年9月发行首张专辑《NightVisions》后,“梦龙”乐队迅速成为2013年全美乐队“当红炸子鸡”之一。

    Since exploding onto the music scene with their debut album Night Visions in September 2012 , Imagine Dragons have quickly become one of the biggest breakout bands of 2013 .

  4. 稳居第四名宝座的是梦龙的四百万销量唱片《放射性》。

    Holding in fourth place is Imagine Dragons with its four million-seller " Radioactive . "

  5. 正如其热门单曲《放射物》一样,“梦龙”在全球乐坛的影响力可圈可点。

    Their impact on the music industry has been radioactive , just as the title of their hit song suggests .

  6. 四年前,梦龙还是拉斯维加斯的一支独立乐队,他们靠在赌场里表演来支付房租。

    Four years ago , Imagine Dragons were just an indie band playing at Las Vegas casinos to pay the rent for their shared apartment .

  7. 而来自美国拉斯维加斯的四人男子摇滚乐队——“梦龙”乐队却为摇滚界带来了一股清新空气,令摇滚乐界为之一振。

    But four young rockers from Las Vegas , US - better known as Imagine Dragons - are changing the landscape of rock music with a breath of fresh air .

  8. 如果你对“梦龙”乐队的音乐尚不了解,那就最好赶紧补上这一课,因为雷诺尔兹已许诺他们要在今年晚些时候推出新专辑。

    If you aren 't familiar with Imagine Dragons " music , you had better get on it fast , because Reynolds has promised a follow-up album for some time later this year .

  9. 梦龙的音乐融入了摇滚乐的经典元素,除了吉他与鼓的重金属合音、励志歌词等摇滚乐标志性元素外,他们还成功将独立乐队时的民谣元素植根于现下的大众音乐作品中。

    Besides typical elements of rock music , such as the heavy sound of guitar and drums and self-empowering lyrics , Imagine Dragons have successfully incorporated their folk influences from their indie music roots into their mainstream songs .

  10. 除了横扫各大音乐排行榜,演唱会场场爆满,献唱重量级颁奖典礼以外,今年5月18日,“梦龙”乐队还一举斩获了2014年美国公告牌音乐奖的五项大奖,其中包括年度最佳摇滚艺人以及年度最佳摇滚专辑。

    After taking over music charts , holding sold-out concerts and performing at important award shows , Imagine Dragons just won five major prizes at this year 's Billboard Music Awards on May 18 , including Top Rock Artist and Top Rock Album .