
  • A DREAM COMES TRUE;dream come true
  1. 对她们来说,这真是梦想成真。

    It was a dream comes true for both of them .

  2. 永不放弃是我们梦想成真的关键。

    Never giving up is the key to our dreams come true .

  3. 如果我赢了,那就是梦想成真。

    If I win , it will be a dream come true .

  4. 获得这枚奖牌好比梦想成真。

    Winning the medal was like a dream come true .

  5. 他不久便梦想成真了。

    He soon turned his dreams to reality .

  6. 这对夫妇拥有了自己的房子,终于梦想成真了。

    Owning a place of their own is a dream come true for the couple .

  7. 我渴望有一天能够梦想成真。

    I long for the day when my dream can come true .

  8. 如果梦想成真呢?

    What if that dream comes true ?

  9. 2014年,她被天津大学录取,最终梦想成真。

    In 2014 , she was accepted by Tianjin University and finally her dream came true .

  10. 据《丹佛邮报》报道,虽然这听起来像是梦想成真,但这意味着学生们将不得不学习更长时间,以弥补所失去的时间。

    Although this may sound like a dream come true , it means students will have to sit though longer school days to work more for the hours they 've lost , according to The Denver Post .

  11. 当我们采用了移动IPV6技术后,所有的这些都能梦想成真。

    All of these dreams can become true when the Mobile IPv6 technology is developed .

  12. 我爱你@TerryWorld,谢谢你对我还有粉丝们抱有坚定的信念,我对你和你的作品期待已久,这就像梦想成真!

    I love you @ Terry_World thank you for believing in me and my fans , I have looked up to you and your work for so long , it 's a dream come true !

  13. 虽然能在NBA打球是梦想成真,可是恩迪亚耶承认,有的时候也感到很难。

    Although playing in the NBA is a dream come true , Ndiaye said there also are some tough moments .

  14. “Magnum是一个繁殖经理人的梦想成真,”朱迪说。

    " Magnum is a breeding manager 's dream , come true ," Judi says .

  15. 失落了快乐童年的MJ,却帮助了许许多多孩子梦想成真,找回了童年的快乐。

    Thanks to MJ , YOU have helped one more child to succeed getting back his happiness of childhood , though YOU hadn 't enjoy your own childhood .

  16. 而且流行经典《HowSweetItIs》也囊括其中。《KeystoneCompanians》对于粉丝们而言是梦想成真—它包含几乎相当于四个小时现场音乐的两套完整版。

    Among them : a take on the pop classic " How Sweet It Is . " " Keystone Companions " is a fan 's dream come true - it contains two complete sets equaling almost four hours of live music .

  17. Gales先生希望2015年前,标致能在全球汽车制造商的名单上向上爬3个名次。以上提到的这些能让Gales先生梦想成真吗?

    Whether all this will allow Peugeot to climb three places in the league table of global carmakers by2015 , as Mr Gales hopes , is more doubtful .

  18. Iqbal和孟加拉乡村银行的创始人MuhammadYunus建立了关系,该银行向孟加拉人民提供小额贷款,帮助人们梦想成真。

    He struck up a relationship with Muhammad Yunus , the founder of Grameen Bank , which provides microfinance , to turn the dream into reality .

  19. 对于WidgetCo的IT体系结构,您的工作是制定一个计划,让其他人的梦想成真。

    As the IT architect for WidgetCo , your job is to formulate a plan for making the dreams of others come true .

  20. 它集零售店、生产加工和剧场与一身,而且还故意营造出了奥古斯塔斯·格鲁普(AugustusGloop)进入威利·旺卡(WillyWonka)的巧克力工厂时的那种梦想成真的感觉。

    Part retail store , part manufacturing facility and part theater , the store intentionally evokes the chocolate room where Augustus Gloop met his fate in Willy Wonka 's candy factory .

  21. UIRI的负责人CharlesKwesiga在描述MSI资助的UIRI升级的影响力的时候说,这是“梦想成真”。

    Describing the impact of the MSI-funded upgrade on the UIRI 's work , its executive director , Charles Kwesiga , said it was " a dream come true " . [ 1 ]

  22. 就像你说的,要是他的梦想成真。

    Like you said , if his love had come true .

  23. 这次春节,我的梦想成真了。

    And the dream has come true in this spring festival .

  24. 得到这个奖项真像是梦想成真。

    Receiving this award is just like a dream come true .

  25. 愿你梦想成真,生日快乐!

    Happy birthday , Happy birthday , Happy birthday to you .

  26. 我会努力学习,让我的梦想成真。

    I 'll work hard to make my dreams come true .

  27. 他们经过艰苦努力最终获得成功并梦想成真。

    But they worked hard and made their dreams come true .

  28. 祝你在新的一年里一切梦想成真!

    May all your wishes come true in the new year !

  29. 激光拉皮可以让你的梦想成真。

    Laser SkinTightening may just make all your dreams come true .

  30. 请相信,我们真的会梦想成真!

    Be sure we do really want to realize our dream .