
  1. 茶叶化学研究中的方法与问题

    Methods and questions relative to the past researches on tea chemistry

  2. 茶树品种、叶片生育期和茶叶化学成份对内生真菌的影响

    Effect of Tea Variety , Leaf Age and Chemical Component on Endophytic Fungi

  3. 固样方法对茶叶化学成份及品质的影响

    Effect of Fixing Sample Methods on the Chemical Components and the Quality in Tea

  4. 多环芳烃的吸收累积对茶叶化学成分的影响

    Absorption and accumulation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons ( PAHs ) in tea plant and its effect on chemical components in tea leaves

  5. 在茶叶化学界最负盛名的恐怕要数茶黄素了,这是一团纠结在一起的碳环,因了它的存在,红茶多了几分红润的色泽,还多了些许涩味。

    The most famous in tea-chemistry circles is probably theaflavin , a tangle of carbon rings responsible for some of the ruddy colour of black teas as well as some of the astringency .

  6. 茶叶香气化学研究

    The Research on the Chemical Characteristics of the Aroma of Tea

  7. 茶叶的化学成分

    Chemical constituents from the leaves of Camellia sinensis TEA ROAD

  8. 微波、超声波对茶叶主要化学成分浸提效果的研究

    Effects of microwave and ultrasound assisted extraction of main chemical components of tea

  9. 海南山苦茶叶的化学成分(Ⅱ)

    Chemical Constituents of the Leaves of Mallotus furetianus (ⅱ)

  10. 在研究中充分运用天然产物化学、制茶学、茶叶生物化学、酶学和计算机辅助设计等学科理论知识和方法,借鉴高通量筛选、酶学分析法等新的研究手段系统开展工作。

    Making full use of scientific theories and methods , such as Natural products chemistry , Tea-processing , Tea-biochemistry , Enzymology , Computer-aided design and so on , then drawing on the new research system of high-throughput screening and enzyme analysis to carry on the study .

  11. 英德高香型茶叶香气及化学组成特征研究

    Research on the fragrance and chemical composition characteristics of Yingde Rich Fragrance type tea

  12. 氨基酸是构成生命体的基本物质之一,也是茶叶的主要化学成份之一,是形成茶叶滋味的重要组成部分,因此对茶叶中游离氨基酸的分析检测是十分必要的。

    It is also one of primary chemical components of tea and the important component of tea taste . Thus , analyzing and determining the free amino acid content in tea is very necessary .

  13. 用POM,XRF和XRD等手段研究了金、元时期陕西旬邑茶叶末瓷的化学组成、物相组成,并与以往耀州和浑源唐代茶叶末瓷的研究结果对比。

    The chemical composition and phase components of the tea dust wares of Shanxi Xunyi in Jin and Yuan dynasties were studied with POM , XRF and XRD , and compared with the studied results of Yaozhou and Hunyuan tea dust wares .

  14. 四川产茶叶中十五种化学元素背景值研究

    The studies of the background values of the fifteen chemical elements in the teas produced by Sichuan Province

  15. 近年来,特色茶类资源的开发和精细化利用使茶叶精深加工、茶叶品质化学及茶叶保健功能利用受到了高度关注。

    In recent years , the development and precise using of distinctive tea resources was highly concerned in many fields , such as Tea deep processing , Tea quality chemistry and healthy function of tea .

  16. 儿茶素类是茶叶最重要的特征代谢成分,也是构成茶叶品质的主要化学成分。

    Catechins are the most important featured metabolic components of tea leaves and also main chemical compositions contributing to the tea quality .