• Stream;brook;rivulet;small stream;streamlet
  • 山里的小河沟,泛指小河沟:山~。清~。~水。~涧。~谷。~壑。


(小河沟) small stream; brook; rivulet; streamlet:

  • 浅溪

    shallow brook;

  • 溪水静静地流过草地。

    The stream glides through the meadow.

  • 一条小溪在岩石间奔流而下。

    A small stream ran down among the rocks.

  1. 西双版纳河溪等级体系研究

    A Study on Hierarchy of River and Small Stream in Xishuangbanna , China

  2. 我的父母试图给我找到另一所学校,但最后,由于我过于超前,唯一与我水平相当的学校是纽约州立大学石溪分校(StateUniversityofNewYorkatStonyBrook)。

    My parents tried to find me another school but , in the end , because I was so advanced , the only place that was on the same level as me was State University of New York at Stony Brook .

  3. 溪上架了一条木板桥。

    A plank of wood bridged the stream .

  4. 我们到达拉隆溪时天还没黑。

    It was still light when we arrived at Lalong Creek

  5. 那条溪里的鱼被捕完了。

    The stream is completely fished out .

  6. 她的嗓音婉转如汩汩的银溪

    Whose voice , as cadenced as a silver streams .

  7. 牧童牵着牛淌过浅溪

    The cowboy splashed his way across the shallow stream with his cow .

  8. 然而,水鼩为了能吃到在河床和溪床上生活的所有昆虫幼虫,不得不到水下觅食。

    But the ability to feed on all the insect larvae2 that live on the beds of rivers and streams has driven them to forage3 under water .

  9. 溪流水中的pH值要显著高于土壤水溶液中的,而电导率又显著低于后者。

    The pH values were higher and conductivity values were lower in stream water than in wetland soil water .

  10. 雪峰隆起北部板溪群板岩伊利石X射线衍射分析显示其经历了低绿片岩相区域变质作用。

    XRD analysis of the Banxi Group slate in the northern Xuefeng Uplift suggest a lower greenschist facies metamorphism .

  11. 应用改良CTAB法提取琯溪蜜柚汁胞的RNA,获得的RNA质量高。

    By the improved CTAB method in ' Guanxi-miyou ' juice sacs RNA extraction , the obtained RNA was of high quality .

  12. 注浆技术在处理越南冒溪煤矿FA断层涌水冒落事故中的应用

    Grouting Technology Applied to Water Inrush and Roof Falling Accident in FA Fault of Mao Khe Coal Mine , Vietnam

  13. 环境因子对双清溪浙江华溪蟹(SinopotamonchekiangenseTaietSong)种群变动的影响

    The effects of environmental factors on the fluctuations of Sinopotamon chekiangense Tai et Song 's population

  14. 利用BP神经网络处理围岩稳定性影响因素非线性能力强的特点,对富溪隧道围岩进行分类的基础上,并就该隧道进行稳定性分析,结果证明BP神经网络方法用于围岩稳定性分类结果是可靠的;

    A discussion is made on the advantage of using surrounding rocks classification method , and it can be concluded the Back Propagation ( BP ) neural network method is used to evaluate Fu-Xi Tunnel .

  15. 生化防治的应用模式&生物接触氧化法治理印染污水技术清水溪治污工程D4标段排污管道施工技术

    Usage of Biochemical Technology in Sewage of Printing and Dying ; Sewage Pipe Construction Technology of D4 Section in Qingshui Creek Pollution Control Project

  16. 采用正交试验探讨6-BA、GA3、2,4-D不同浓度组合幼果期涂抹果柄对溪蜜抽果实粒化的影响。

    An orthogonal design experiment was used to investigate the effects of a combination of 6-BA , GA3 , 2 , 4-D at different concentrations on juice sac granulation of Guanxi pomelo fruit .

  17. 汞对长江华溪蟹(SINOPOTAMONYANGTSEKIENSE)细胞及分子水平的影响

    Effects of Mercury on Freshwater Crab , Sinopotamon Yangtsekiense at the Level of Cell and Molecule

  18. 纽约州立大学石溪分校(StonyBrookUniversity)主要研究悲伤问题的社会与健康心理学教授卡米尔&12539;沃特曼(CamilleWortman)指出,人们常常会对放下过去往前看感到愧疚。

    People often feel guilty about moving on , says Camille Wortman , professor of social and health psychology at Stony Brook University , in New York , whose research focuses on grief .

  19. 测定了长江华溪蟹3个亚种,包括指名亚种,桐柏亚种和陕县亚种共39个样本的线粒体细胞色素氧化酶亚基I(COI)基因部分的序列。

    Partial sequence of the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit I gene ( COI ) was examined for 39 specimens representing three subspecies of Sinopotamon yangtsekiense , S. y. yangtsekiense , S.

  20. 方法采用计算机叠加技术,观察了皮下注射士的宁后电针解溪穴,对大鼠脊髓场电位(SFP)的影响。

    Method A computer superposition technique was used to observe the effect of electroacupuncture of point Jiexi ( ST41 ) on rat spinal field potential ( SFP ) after subdermal injection of strychnine .

  21. 南方根结线虫在龙溪8号香蕉离体苗根内发育缓慢,在28±1℃下,接种后27d完成了3次蜕皮并停止生长而最终死亡。

    At 28 ℃, the nematodes completed 3 moults 27 days after inoculation ( DAI ) and stopped growing , thus died finally .

  22. 柘溪水电站扩机过程中,为保证扩机厂房东端开关站边坡稳定,采用截面积分别为2.5m×8m和4m×8m的挡土墩进行支护。

    During the expansion of Zhexi Hydropower Station , in order to support the eastern slope of the power station , a row of anti-slide piles with sectional area 2.5m × 8 m and 4 m × 8 m were applied .

  23. 为了解决磨溪气田的腐蚀问题,研制出了油溶性成膜缓蚀剂CZ3-1与水溶性挥发性缓蚀剂CZ3-3,并将其复配使用。

    Oil-solubility film inhibitor CZ3-1 and water-solubility volatile inhibitor CZ3-3 are developed and are used in combination to solve the corrosion problem at Moxi gas field .

  24. 100个土样(0~30cm土层)分析测试结果表明,平和琯溪蜜柚果园土壤酸性较强,有机质含量偏低;速效氮磷钾含量较丰富。

    The test results of 100 soil samples taken within 0-30 cm soil layer indicated that the soil in Guanxi pomelo garden has higher acidity and lower organic matter , but its contents of the available N , P , K are abundant .

  25. 方法:采用足三里穴注射人血丙种球蛋白300mg(3mL)加TDP照射解溪穴与西药治疗对照观察。

    Methods Injection of human gamma globulin ( 300 mg , 3 mL ) into Zusanli ( ST 36 ) plus radiation of TDP at Jiexi ( ST 41 ) was used for treatment of allergic rhinitis with western medicine used as controls . Their therapeutic effects were compared .

  26. 广东嵩溪银&锑矿床属中低温浅成热液矿床。

    Songxi Ag - Sb deposit belongs to an epithermal deposit .

  27. 针刺后溪穴治疗面肌抽搐的临床研究

    Clinical Study on Facial Spasm Treated by Acupuncture at Houxi Point

  28. 校门口面对的那条溪就是「景美溪」吗?

    Is that Jingmei Stream just in front of the university ?

  29. 野花华尔滋,绵羊溪华尔滋,小鹿挽歌。

    Wildflower waltz , sheep creek waltz , dead calf lament .

  30. 可是如果他想要叫磨溪杀手被抓住。

    But if the shooterreally wants to getthe other guy arrested .