
  • 网络Pear Scab;Venturia nashicola;Venturia pirina
  1. 20%苯醚甲环唑微乳剂防治梨黑星病田间药效试验

    Control Effects of 20 % Difenoconazole Microemulsion on Pear Scab in Field

  2. 梨黑星病(pearscab)又名疮痂病,是梨树主要病害之一,也是广泛发生的世界性病害之一。

    Pear scab is one of the main diseases on pear , but also the widespread occurrence of disease on the world .

  3. 梨黑星病流行动态模拟模型程序设计

    Development of a computer program for Pear Scab Epidemic Simulation Model

  4. 梨黑星病病原及生物学特性的研究

    Studies on pathogen and biological characters of pear scab

  5. 防治梨黑星病田间药效试验

    Fungicidal Control of Pear Scab in the Field

  6. 梨黑星病研究进展

    Advances in Research on Pear Scab

  7. 几种新药剂对苹果斑点落叶病和梨黑星病的防治效果

    Control Efficiency of Several New Chemicals on the Alternaria Leaf Spot of Apple and Scab of Pear

  8. 梨黑星病药剂防治研究

    Chemical Control of Pear Scab

  9. 河北省固安县梨黑星病发病规律及其防治

    Research on the Incidental Pattern of Pear Scab and Its Prevention and Cure in Gu'an County , Hebei Province

  10. 本文研究的结果为梨黑星病的综合治理及抗性特异种质资源的开发利用提供了理论依据。

    Results of this study would be helpful to control pear scab and to utilize the special germplasm resource resistant to pear scab .

  11. 因此,梨黑星病防治就成为砀山酥梨病害防治的重中之重,而对其准确预测预报是进行有效防治的基础与前提。

    So the prevention against pear scab is the most important among all diseases , and accurate forecasting is the foundation to take valid prevention .

  12. 梨抗黑星病基因的AFLP分子标记

    AFLP Molecular Marker of Scab-resistance Genes of Pears

  13. 梨抗黑星病的遗传育种研究

    Studies on inheritance of resistance to the pear scab fungus

  14. 梨对黑星病的抗病性及其机理研究进展

    Studies on scab-resistance and its mechanism in pears

  15. 梨品种对黑星病的抗性研究

    Studies on the Resistance of Pear Breeds to Pear Scab

  16. 多年来,新沂市梨生产一直受黑星病影响,广大果农为此遭受较大损失。

    Over the years , Xinyi City , pear production has been affected by pear scab and the majority of growers suffered greater losses for this .

  17. 异菌脲为广谱性、接触、低毒杂环类杀菌剂,在梨生产中普遍使用,对梨黑星病具有较好的防治效果。

    Iprodione is a broad-spectrum , low toxicity , heterocyclic fungicide . It is commonly used in the pear production , and has obvious effect to control scab of pear .