
  1. 安徽繁昌窑五代时期(AD907-960)创烧青白瓷,是目前已知的我国最早烧造青白瓷的窑场。

    Fanchang kiln was the earliest Chinese bluish-white porcelain kiln which first fired this special porcelain class as early as in Five Dynasties ( AD907-960 ) .

  2. 兄弟俩都烧造青瓷,都各有成就。

    The brothers are Shaozao celadon , have their own achievements .

  3. 北方出土原始瓷烧造地区的研究

    Study on manufacture sites for the PROTO-PORCELAIN excavated in northern China

  4. 尤其是中国东南沿海地区窑业兴旺,其所烧造的瓷器产品多供外销。

    Especially , most porcelain products were used for export in the southeastern coastal areas of China .

  5. 回顾德化窑的烧造历史,对德化瓷塑的胎与釉成份进行调查。

    Recall the Dehua kiln firing history , the Germany of the tire and the glaze ingredients Cisu investigation .

  6. 并由此对金、元时期及其以后的三彩烧造也产生深远影响。

    Thus having far-reaching effects on the Jin and Yuan period as well as the afterward production of the Tri-color .

  7. 定窑是唐宋时期的著名瓷窑,以烧造精美的白釉瓷器闻名于世。

    The Ding kiln was a renowned porcelain kiln of the Tang-Song period , famous for its fine white-glaze wares .

  8. 他认为白金汉瓷器的配方不同于伯特格尔的配方,而前两者也并非中国的烧造配方。

    He points out that the recipe used in the Buckingham pots differs from B ? ttger 's , and both differ from that used by the Chinese .

  9. 由于定窑的风靡与流行,其造型、装饰、烧造方法为各地瓷窑所仿效,北宋年间各地纷纷仿制定窑。

    Ding 's popular and popular because of their shape , decoration , Shaozao method to follow around the kilns , the Northern Song Dynasty Ding years of imitation everywhere .

  10. 宋元东南海洋性瓷业技术中心已经由浙东地区转移到浙南龙泉等地,福建、广东等地的瓷器烧造技术与浙江的差距日益缩小。

    The center of southeast maritime ceramics industry had been gradually diverted to the south of Zhejiang like Longquan , and disparities of ceramics techniques of Fujian and Guangdong reduced increasingly .

  11. 第二部分,介绍临汝窑青瓷的主要窑址和制烧工艺,初步分析了烧造工艺对烧制临汝窑青瓷的影响。

    The second part describes the main clinical Lin Ru porcelain kilns and manufacturing sintering process , preliminarily analyse of the firing process on the firing of the provisional Lin Ru Porcelain .

  12. 福州窑瓷器的烧造,南朝已有,隋唐继续发展,南宋后期最为繁荣,并且延续到元代。

    Porcelain making in Fuzhou kiln originated in Southern dynasties , and developed in Sui and Tang dynasties , then flourished in the late Southern Song Dynasty and continued until the Yuan Dynasty .

  13. 摘要内容:建窑是宋代南方瓷窑之一,以烧造黑釉器著称,其烧造地点在今福建省建阳水吉镇。

    Constructs the kiln is south Song Dynasty one of porcelain kilns , burns makes the black enamel organ to be famous , its fever makes the place in now Fujian Province Jianyang water Ji Town .

  14. 明清两代修建北京皇宫各大殿和紫禁城城墙,以及皇家陵寝所用大青砖,绝大部分是山东临清州烧造。

    In the construction of the palaces and walls of the imperial cities of Beijing in the Ming and Qing dynasties , as well as in the building of imperial structures at the royal tombs , the bricks used were mostly fired in Linqing , Shandong province .

  15. 宋代以前,瓷器装饰主要靠雕刻印嵌,即在瓷糊变干之前用刀在瓷身上刻上花纹印章,然后上釉烧造。

    Before the Song Dynasty , porcelain was decorated by caNed , incised , and impressed designs.That is , before the paste was dried , designs were carved or incised with a knife on the unglazed body or impressed with stamps for mass production and then glazed for firing .