
shāo kǎo
  • 名词/动词barbecue;roast
烧烤 [shāo kǎo]
  • [sear] 快速烧烤[肉块]的表皮,常用以增进色和味∶作为烹调的第一步使[肉]上色变褐

  1. 我们来一次户外烧烤吧!

    Let 's have a barbecue !

  2. 我们打算露天烧烤,但因为下雨,计划泡汤了。

    We were going to have a barbecue but the rain put the mockers on that idea .

  3. 下个星期六我们家要搞一场露天烧烤。

    We 're having a braai at our place next Saturday .

  4. 有一些烧烤炉能直接插到家用电源上。

    Some barbecues can be plugged into a household electricity supply .

  5. 除了辣椒和茄子,很多其他蔬菜也十分适于烧烤。

    Apart from peppers and aubergines , many other vegetables grill well .

  6. 金枪鱼可以用烤炉烤、油炸或者烧烤。

    Tuna can be grilled , fried or barbecued

  7. 通过开关气阀来调节烧烤架的温度。

    Adjust the heat of the barbecue by opening and closing the air vents .

  8. 把鸡胸脯肉放入唐杜里烧烤酱里腌泡。

    Marinade the chicken breasts in the tandoori paste

  9. 我在萨沃伊烧烤店订了张桌子。

    I booked a table at the Savoy Grill

  10. 正在烧烤台上忙活的厨师抬起头来;他的脸上直冒汗。

    The chef at the barbecue looked up from his labours ; he was sweating .

  11. 社交活动可以包括沙滩上的烧烤和老城区的步行游览。

    Social activities might include barbecues on the beach and walking tours of the Old Town .

  12. 我还从未吃过烧烤,也不想吃,我宁愿哪一天美美地吃一顿烘烤大餐。

    I 've never had anything barbecued and I don 't want it . Give me a good roast dinner any day .

  13. 星期天他们在院子里进行烧烤。

    They had a barbecue on their patio on sunday .

  14. 他们去了纽约第45号街的墨菲酒吧兼烧烤店。

    They went to murphy 's bar and grill on45th street in new york .

  15. 他们的目的地是“火热的食物和烧烤节”,该活动每年三月举行,为期三周。

    Their destination is the Fiery Food and BBQ Festival which is held over a period of three clays every March .

  16. 烧烤的时候要是谈论到这样的话题,人们一般都会停下手中的烧烤热烈讨论起来,烧烤活动自然就会暂时停下来,由此得名“barbequestopper”。

    Such topic is likely to interrupt a barbeque with loud debate or discussion , thus called “ barbeque stopper ” .

  17. Barbequestopper(字面意思为“使烧烤活动中断的事情”)是一个澳大利亚俚语,指波及范围很广、对当下有深远影响且颇具争议性的话题讨论,即“热门话题”。

    Barbeque stopper , Australian slang , refers to a topic of constant and widespread conversation which is controversial and of contemporary significance .

  18. 烧烤或烘烤而不要油炸食物。

    Bake , broil , grill or roast foods rather than fry them .

  19. 此外,我们还可以打些喜鹊回家,用来烧烤。

    James : besides , we can take some pied magpies home , for BBQ .

  20. 妈,我刚“回味”了之前吃的烧烤。

    Example : Mother , I just caught a straight ghost taste from that barbeque earlier .

  21. 另一个我没有事先预计在内的重要因素就是烧烤时间。

    Another important factor that I didn 't take into account initially was the time cooked .

  22. Dude-fussing说的是这样的几种行为:出去露营的时候,有人差不多每隔30秒就要捅捅火堆,或者,出去烧烤的时候,总有人不停翻转烤架上的汉堡。这其实就是我们说的“瞎捣鼓”。

    Dude-fussing is when you go camping and someone feels a primal at the fire every 30 seconds , or when someone is barbecuing and they can 't just leave the burgers alone .

  23. 我发现如果增加烧烤时间,致癌物将飞速的增长,所以最好的腌制方式,根据这些(实验结果)也就是,不要生煮,但是一定不要煮过头和烤过头,用柠檬汁,红糖或者盐水来腌制。

    And I found that if you increase the time cooked , the amount of carcinogens rapidly increases . So the best way to marinate chicken , based on this , is to , not under-cook , but definitely don 't over-cook and char the chicken , and marinate in either lemon juice , brown sugar or saltwater .

  24. 油炸及烧烤食品中丙烯酰胺的HPLC测定

    HPLC Determination of Acrylamide in Fried and Barbecued Food

  25. 而BurgerKing(汉堡王)也在5月推出了烧烤猪肋,8根售价高达7美元。

    And in May Burger King introduced barbecue pork ribs at a hefty $ 7 for eight .

  26. 为了发挥在国外学到的厨艺,他为厨房配备了电磁炉、铁板烧烤盘、液氮罐和一台大绿蛋牌(BigGreenEgg)陶瓷烤炉。

    To get the effects he had learned abroad , he had the kitchen outfitted with induction cooktops , a teppanyaki griddle , liquid nitrogen tanks and a Big Green Egg ceramic grill .

  27. FDA提醒消费者不要使用用于烹饪或烧烤之前的生食产品。

    The FDA reminds consumers they should not eat raw food products that are intended for cooking or baking before consumption .

  28. 一位城管对CCTV记者说,露天烧烤会导致PM2.5浓度迅速上升。

    ' This outdoor barbecuing can cause the PM2.5 to rise rapidly , ' a city administration official told CCTV .

  29. 我与米切尔会面前一周,英国气象局被迫为其“烧烤夏季”(barbecuesummer)的新闻稿进行了辩护这证明哪怕只是进行季节性预测也很困难。

    The week before I met Mitchell , the Met Office was forced to defend its " barbecue summer " press release proving the difficulty of making even seasonal predictions .

  30. 如果要计划去烤烧烤,通常是牛仔裤或卡其裤与polo衫或带海军服领子衣服搭配。

    If an afternoon barbecue is the venue , guys will be good with either jeans or khakis with a polo or crew neck tee .