
shāo jī
  • roast chicken
  1. 这间在派拉蒙(Paramount)的老字号食店是街边美食的宝库,里面的烧鸡摊乃其中的佼佼者。

    This old-timer kopitiam in Paramount is a treasure trove of delicious hawker food and one of them has to be the roast chicken stall .

  2. 通过正交试验设计,研究ε-聚赖氨酸、nisin、丁香油三种天然防腐剂对烧鸡保鲜的效果。

    Using orthogonal experiment design , the effect of preservation of three kinds of preservative such as ε - polylysine , nisin and clove oil on the roast chicken was studied .

  3. 烧鸡风味复合辛香料冷冻超微粉碎工艺的响应面(RSA)优化研究

    Technology Optimization of Ultra-micro Freeze Grinding Spice Blends of Carbonado Flavor by RSA

  4. 不同包装方式和贮藏条件下的烧鸡贮藏特性研究

    Storage Characteristics of Roast Chicken in Different Packaging and Storage Conditions

  5. 加入烧鸡、甜洋葱以及灯笼椒。

    Added grilled chicken , sweet onion and bell pepper .

  6. 并通过规范化的工艺控制,保证了烧鸡产品的质量。

    The quality of cooking chicken was guaranteed by the standard process .

  7. 机械化加工烧鸡工艺的探讨

    Probe into the technology of mechanized processing of roast chickens

  8. 烧鸡综合保鲜技术研究

    Study on the Synthetic Preservation Techniques of Roasted Chicken

  9. 这里的烧鸡公感觉不错的呀!

    Here 's the chicken and feeling good ah !

  10. 他们的烧鸡被烤至恰到好处的焦脆而下面的肉却十分鲜嫩。

    Their roast chicken is caramelised to a nice crisp with tender meat .

  11. 对货架期终点的烧鸡进行了菌相分析。

    The microflora in roast chicken at the end of shelf life was analyzed .

  12. 有时候她做烧鸡。

    Sometimes she cooks a pot roast .

  13. 肯德基,烧鸡中的战斗鸡!

    Kentucky serves you the right chicken .

  14. 我一点都不喜欢吃烧鸡,但是我妈妈很喜欢。

    I don 't like chicken at all , but my mother like it a lot .

  15. 烧鸡的加工技术

    Processing technique of fried chicken

  16. 研究不同包装方式和贮藏条件对烧鸡贮藏特性的影响。

    The effects of different packaging and storage conditions on storage characteristics of roast chicken were investigated .

  17. 这些志愿者闻了很多种物品的气味,像婴儿爽身粉,番茄,迷迭烧鸡。

    The volunteers took whiffs of various substances - like baby powder , tomatoes and rosemary chicken .

  18. 一只小狗爬上了狐狸的餐桌,桌上有一只烧鸡。

    A dog to climb a fox 's dinner table , the table with a roast chicken .

  19. 你也可以把鸭胸肉换为鸡胸肉,叫做“烧鸡”。

    You can also get chicken breast in the same style , called sh ā oj ī .

  20. 这不是叉烧!是被烧至完美亮泽的美味的蜜汁烧鸡!

    That 's not char siew ! It 's delicious honey roast chicken grilled to glossy perfection !

  21. 研究结果如下:1.对不同贮藏条件下烧鸡的贮藏特性进行了研究。

    The results indicated : 1 . The storage characteristics of roast chicken under different temperature were studied .

  22. 如用蟹肉作伪装的烧鸡和埋藏在西红柿色拉下面的冰淇淋。

    Such as roast chicken with crab meat disguised as tomato salad and buried in the ice below .

  23. 他们的蜜汁烧鸡佐以烟熏味调料,表层的鸡皮粘、甜、脆。

    Their honey roast chicken was infused with smoky flavours and covered with sticky , sweet caramelised skin .

  24. 如果你想制作烧鸡而不想到商店去,你也可以试想。

    You can find out if you the makings for chicken catchitory or if you have to go shopping .

  25. 我们就来到这家富仕葡式美食餐厅享用她著名的烧鸡酿饭。

    We went to RICO 's Portuguese Restaurant to enjoy their famouse Portuguese cuisine , roasted chicken stuffed with rice .

  26. 持素就从现在开始,满口烧鸡和叉烧是不可能进入佛国的呀!

    Pledge to be a vegetarian today ; you cannot bring along friend chicken and charsiew into the Pureland of Buddha !

  27. 对梯度升压和脉动施压处理对烧鸡贮藏特性的影响进行了研究。

    Effects of gradient oscillatory high pressure treatments and pulsed high pressure treatments on preservative properties roast chicken during storage were studied .

  28. 在有冷藏环境下的条件下,应采取高温巴氏杀菌,提高烧鸡的营养价值及风味。

    In refrigerated condition , pasteurizing with high temperature should be adopted to improve the nutritional value and flavor of roast chicken .

  29. 介绍了烧鸡加工的工艺流程、配方、操作要点,以及关键质量指标;

    The technique procedure , prescription , key operating points and critical quality index of the fried chicken were introduced in this paper .

  30. 武功吃的东西有:小笼包子,旗花面,普集烧鸡,锅盔等。

    Kung Fu eat things are : Xiao Long steamed stuffed buns , flag flower , Cape Set chicken , such as Guokui .