
  • 网络Submarine Geosciences
  1. 国家海洋局海底科学重点实验室

    Laboratory of Submarine Geosciences , State Oceanic Administration

  2. 但他认为这种电池可以用于海底的科学仪器。

    But he BElieves the battery could BE used in scientific equipment at the bottom of the ocean .

  3. 海底调查和科学研究工作是一项多学科、综合性的海洋调查研究活动。

    The scientific investigation and research on seabed is a multi-disciplinary and integrative marine activity .

  4. 为了接收海底观测网科学仪器采集的数据,控制科学仪器的运行,需要为每类科学仪器研制远程控制软件。

    In order to receive data from scientific instruments and control scientific instruments in an undersea observatory network , remote control software is required to be developed for each scientific instrument .

  5. AUV(Autonomousunderwatervehicle,简称AUV)作为一种高技术手段,在海洋环境监测、海底资源调查、科学考察、危险环境作业和打捞救生等方面起到了至关重要的作用。

    Autonomous Underwater Vehicle ( AUV ) plays an important role in marine environment monitoring , seabed resources investigating , science inspecting , dangerous environment exploring , rescue and salvage and so on .