
  • 网络maritime delimitation
  1. GIS、决策支持系统等技术的应用将在国际海洋划界的管理方面提供强有力的支持,并成为重要的决策工具。

    The application of GIS and decision-supporting system to the international maritime delimitation will provide strong support for the management and decision of the work .

  2. 国际海洋划界公平原则研究

    A Study of the Equitable Principles for International Maritime Delimitation

  3. (二)关于南海海洋划界问题

    ii . On maritime delimitation in the South China Sea

  4. 国际海洋划界技术发展与探讨

    Development and discussion of international maritime boundary delimitation technique

  5. 中日能源争端还会影响南海的海洋划界问题。

    The delimitation of the South China Sea will be influenced by China-Japan energy disputes .

  6. 因此有必要对海洋划界中的海岸线长度测量问题进行探讨。

    So it 's necessary to discuss the problem on how to measure the shoreline length .

  7. 从最新国际海洋划界案例看中日东海划界原则的适用

    Appraising the Different Principles of China and Japan in China East Sea Delimitation According to the Latest Maritime Delimitation Cases

  8. 国际法院司法实践中的反诉问题研究国际法院与海洋划界争端的解决

    On Counter-claim in judicial Practice of the International Court of Justice The ICJ and the Solution of Disputes Concerning Maritime Delimitation

  9. 国际海洋划界的地理环境复杂,涉及学科多,既有法律问题也有技术方法问题。

    Due to complex geographic environments , international maritime boundary delimitation has to involve many problems , including both legal and technical problems .

  10. 本文讨论了海洋划界应遵循的原则,公平原则所需考虑的因素及其在北部湾中的体现。

    This paper discusses the principles conformed by Delimitation of Maritime Boundary in the Beibu Gulf and the factors considered by the principle of equity .

  11. 岛屿主权与海洋划界争端的解决,即领海争端是海洋资源权益争端的最终目的所在。

    Solving the issues of disputes on maritime and island claims is the final aim of solving the problem of rights and interests disputes in Marine Resources .

  12. 以孟加拉湾区域为主要研究对象,分析了海底扇作为沉积物延伸的一种特殊地形对海洋划界的潜在分析。

    Potential analysis of submarine fan as a special submarine body of sedimentary prolongation on marine delimitation , for instance , in the area named Bay of Bengal .

  13. 他们还指出,这场争议涉及专属经济区重叠所产生的海洋划界,而中国在批准《联合国海洋法公约》时,已选择不接受强推仲裁。

    They also point out that the dispute involves maritime boundary delimitations arising from overlapping EEZs , which China opted out of compulsory arbitration when it ratified Unclos .

  14. 由于海洋划界关系到各当事国家的主权和切身利益,应当坚持公平原则这个根本立场。

    Because demarcate and concern the sovereignty and vital interests of home of every country concerned in the ocean , we should adhere to this basic position of fair principle .

  15. 事实上,中国现在与日本和一些小国在南海上对资源和海洋划界争端处理的行为预示着上述的情况也许开始出现了。

    Indeed , China 's recent behavior in disputes over resources and maritime boundaries with Japan and the smaller states that ring the South China Sea suggest that this already may be starting to happen .

  16. 本章对南海争端中的另一个重要问题&海洋划界争端进行研究,鉴于以往学界对南海划界问题的研究较少,本章也是本文的重点章节。

    This chapter studies another important issue in the South China Sea dispute Maritime Delimitation Disputes , in view of the less previous academic research on the delimitation of the South China Sea , this chapter is also the focus of this article .

  17. 2006年,中国根据《公约》第298条作出排除性声明,将涉及海洋划界、历史性海湾或所有权、军事和执法行动等方面的争端排除在《公约》争端解决程序之外。

    In 2006 , pursuant to Article 298 of UNCLOS , China made an optional exceptions declaration excluding from the compulsory dispute settlement procedures of UNCLOS disputes concerning , among others , maritime delimitation , historic bays or titles , military and law enforcement activities .

  18. 菲律宾提起仲裁事项的实质是南沙群岛部分岛礁的领土主权问题,有关事项也构成中菲海洋划界不可分割的组成部分。

    The essence of the subject-matter of the arbitration initiated by the Philippines is an issue of territorial sovereignty over some islands and reefs of Nansha Qundao , and the resolution of the relevant matters also constitutes an integral part of maritime delimitation between China and the Philippines .

  19. 针对自然延伸在海洋权利与海域划界中的不同影响分别进行分析并得出结论。

    The conclusion has been expected on different influence and analysis of natural prolongation on marine entitlement and delimitation .

  20. 海洋法与北部湾海洋划界

    Law of the Sea and the Delimitation of Maritime Boundary in the Beibu Gulf

  21. 中日海洋争端包括岛屿主权、海洋划界及海洋能源的争端,本文在分析日本《海洋基本法》对上述争端解决将产生直接和间接影响的基础上,提出了我国应采取的应对措施。

    The ocean disputes include island dominion , ocean boundary and ocean energy . Our country must take corresponding measures to do with the impacts .

  22. 两国主张的海洋权益区域重叠,由此产生海洋划界争议。

    The maritime areas claimed by the two states overlap , giving rise to a dispute over maritime delimitation .

  23. 以一些海洋地理单元组合为例,对海洋划界中成比例法的应用进行了探讨。

    Method of proportion must be carefully used on maritime delimitation .

  24. (三)国际海洋法制度的发展导致中菲出现海洋划界争议

    iii. The development of the international law of the sea gave rise to the dispute between China and the Philippines over maritime delimitation

  25. 此外,随着国际海洋法的发展,两国在南海部分海域还出现了海洋划界争议。

    In addition , with the development of the international law of the sea , a maritime delimitation dispute also arose between the two states regarding certain maritime areas of the South China Sea .

  26. 此外,随着国际海洋法制度的发展,中菲在南海部分海域还出现了海洋划界争议。

    In addition , with the development of the international law of the sea , a maritime delimitation dispute also arose between the two states regarding certain sea areas of the South China Sea .