
  1. 欢迎您来到美丽的厦门,参加海上观光旅游。

    Welcome you to arrive beautiful Xiamen , the participation marine sightseeing traveling .

  2. 在国外,海上观光旅游已经发展到了一个相当高的程度,尤其是通过游艇旅游、邮轮旅游等形式,但在中国仅处于萌芽阶段。

    Tourism by ships in foreign countries has developed to a very high level , especially by liners and yachts , but only in its infancy in China .

  3. 随着经济社会发展,旅游需求日益多元化,高端休闲消费也日渐频繁,其中海上乘船观光旅游就是一种新出现的旅游需求。

    With economic development , tourism demand become increasing diversified , high-end leisure consumption has become more frequent , and the tourism at sea by ships is an emerging tourism demand .