
  • Maritime disputes;【法】dispute on the sea
  1. 所以,韩国成为多起海洋争端的当事国,这并不奇怪。

    Therefore , it is not surprising that SK takes part in several maritime disputes .

  2. 中日海洋争端包括岛屿主权、海洋划界及海洋能源的争端,本文在分析日本《海洋基本法》对上述争端解决将产生直接和间接影响的基础上,提出了我国应采取的应对措施。

    The ocean disputes include island dominion , ocean boundary and ocean energy . Our country must take corresponding measures to do with the impacts .

  3. 专家称,在中国与美国的关系因太平洋上的海洋争端日渐紧张之际,俄罗斯的军事技术将大幅提升中国的空战能力。

    Experts say Russian technology will boost China 's air defence capability significantly , as Beijing 's relations with the US sour over maritime disputes in the Pacific .

  4. 当下海上自卫队正在为日本的政治大国和军事大国梦想四处奔波、抛头露面,同时也在与周边国家的海洋争端中表现出咄咄逼人的态势。

    Now , Japanese Ocean Defense goes here and there for their dream of great political and military country , and is aggressive in terms of ocean and land disputes with the nearby countries .

  5. 海洋权益争端进一步突出。

    The ocean rights dispute is further outstanding .

  6. 对全球范围内的海洋主权争端、海洋资源管理等具有不可替代的作用。

    It can not be replaced in solving disputes involving ocean sovereignty disputes and ocean resource management .

  7. 东北亚海洋领土争端困境的解决关键在于如何利用预留的政治空间。

    The key of northeast sea territorial controversy is how to take advantage of the rest political space .

  8. 日本的海权观及其海洋领土争端&一种建构主义的尝试分析

    Japan 's Views on Sea Right and Japanese Sea Territorial Controversy : An Analysis from angel of theory of constructivism

  9. 国际法院司法实践中的反诉问题研究国际法院与海洋划界争端的解决

    On Counter-claim in judicial Practice of the International Court of Justice The ICJ and the Solution of Disputes Concerning Maritime Delimitation

  10. 在海洋权益争端解决之前,各方可以搁置争议,共同开发。

    Pending the settlement of disputes over maritime rights and interests , parties could shelve differences and engage in joint development .

  11. 然而,因为中国和周边其他一些国家存在海洋边界争端,所以一些瓷器的归属权不是很明确。

    But it is not clear who actually owns some of the Chinaware as China and some other countries in the region dispute the sea borderlines .

  12. 岛屿主权与海洋划界争端的解决,即领海争端是海洋资源权益争端的最终目的所在。

    Solving the issues of disputes on maritime and island claims is the final aim of solving the problem of rights and interests disputes in Marine Resources .

  13. 论海洋边界争端与国际海洋法的发展&兼谈中日东海油气争端的解决

    On the Sea Boundary Dispute and the Development of International Law of the Sea & Proposals on resolving Gas Dispute between China and Japan in the East Sea

  14. 事实上,中国现在与日本和一些小国在南海上对资源和海洋划界争端处理的行为预示着上述的情况也许开始出现了。

    Indeed , China 's recent behavior in disputes over resources and maritime boundaries with Japan and the smaller states that ring the South China Sea suggest that this already may be starting to happen .

  15. 同时日本面临着来自周边国家海洋领土争端的压力,加上本身所固有的地缘属性的脆弱性以及国内政治保守化的动向,催生了日本海权对外扩张的冲动。

    At the same time , Japan faces pressure of oceanic territorial disputes from nearby nations . Also Japan geographical attribute is vulnerable and domestic politics become conservative . Above the elements contribute to the expansion impulse of Japan .

  16. 本章对南海争端中的另一个重要问题&海洋划界争端进行研究,鉴于以往学界对南海划界问题的研究较少,本章也是本文的重点章节。

    This chapter studies another important issue in the South China Sea dispute Maritime Delimitation Disputes , in view of the less previous academic research on the delimitation of the South China Sea , this chapter is also the focus of this article .

  17. 从全球范围来看,人类的趋海性有增无减,各国之间关于海洋权属的争端越来越受重视。

    From a global perspective , people having a sea ever-increasing trends , ownership among the countries on the maritime dispute has been increasing .

  18. 第三章日本《海洋基本法》对中日海洋争端的影响是论文的第一个重点内容。

    Thirdly , the impacts of Japanese Ocean Basic Law on the ocean disputes from China and Japan is the first important contents discussed in this paper .

  19. 中国一贯主张和平利用海洋,合作开发和保护海洋,公平解决海洋争端。

    China has consistently insisted that the ocean be peacefully utilized , and jointly developed and protected , and disputes over maritime matters be settled in a fair manner .

  20. 中国政府表示,中国完全支持全球海洋法,支持有关各方通过直接谈话解决国际海洋争端。

    The Chinese government says it fully backs global maritime law and supports direct talks among disputing parties when it comes to the world 's oceans .

  21. 鉴于海洋法的相关国际条约对于海域的不同划分,各国在海洋上的利益争端变得异常激烈,为保障各方的利益,一般国际社会提倡合作开发的模式。

    In view of the relevant international law of the sea treaty divided the waters for different countries ' interests in the oceans of the dispute became very intense , to protect the interests of all parties , the international community in general to promote cooperative development model .