
  1. 大量的韩国海洋法规、国际公约和国际习惯是韩国海洋警察厅的执法依据。

    A lot of South Korea Marine regulations , international treaty and habits is South Korea of Marine police law basis .

  2. 近年来,美国着力于海洋法规的执行以及国家海洋政策的发展,同时提出全新的海洋治理理念和具体明确的行动规划,建立并健全真正有权威性的海洋治理和协调机制。

    In recent years , the United States of America focus on the marine law enforcement as well as the development of national ocean policy , and put forward a new marine management concept and specific action plan , and establish an authoritative marine management and coordination mechanism .

  3. 海洋环保法规的发展及其对船用燃料及润滑油的影响

    The Development of Marine Emission Legislations and Its Influence on Marine Fuels and Lubricants

  4. 海洋渔业法规不健全、渔业执法体系存在弊端造成渔业执法不力。

    The law of marine fishery is not sound and the system of implement has many malpractices , which causes the results of implement not good .

  5. 随着海洋环保法规的日益严格和人类从事海洋活动的日益频繁,舰船排放污染物对海洋环境带来的污染问题已经得到了国际社会的高度重视。

    The environment pollution problem produced by the ships contamination has been given more attention from all over the world , along with the ocean environment protection regulation strict and ( ocean ) activity frequent increasingly .

  6. 违反海洋环境保护法规,也要依法追究其法律责任。

    Anyone who breaks the regulations of ocean protection will be held responsible .

  7. 从海洋环境法律法规条文引入建立海洋环境损害(和破坏)民事赔偿责任制度作为海洋环境法律法规的配套制度的观点。在提出明确观点后,论述建立这一制度的必要性和可行性。

    The thesis starts with the clauses of marine environmental laws and regulations , and puts forward such viewpoint , which is necessary and feasible , as establishing the system of civil compensation liability for marine environmental damage in order to match the exiting laws and regulations .

  8. 本文简要介绍了《1972伦敦公约》在中国的实施情况、影响因素以及我国海洋倾废管理的法规、政策、技术标准和管理程序。

    This paper briefly introduced China 's implementation with and impact factors of the London Convention 1972 and law , regulations , policies , management procedures of marine waste - dumping control in China .

  9. 然后,根据《联合国海洋法公约》及其他有关国际海洋法律、法规,分析东黄海渔业资源共同养护开发的必要性、可能形式及存在的主要困难。

    Then in line with the UNCLOS and other related international fishery laws and regulations , this paper discussed the necessity , the possible patterns and the main challenges for the joint conservation and exploitation of the fisheries resources .

  10. 海洋法制教育侧重于对公民进行海洋环境权和海洋环境法规教育。

    The marine environmental legal education emphasizes particularly on citizen 's environmental rights education and legal norms education .

  11. 首先,阐述了在海洋资源环境立法中确立以可持续发展为原则的重要意义,依据可持续发展原则的理念来对海洋资源环境法律法规、制度进行完善。

    It firstly demonstrates the importance of setting up the principles of sustainable development in the marine environmental resources legislation , which will act as a legal basis for innovation .