
  • 网络Chart datum;datum of chart
  1. 海图基准面海图基准线英国标准线规英国标准线径规

    Chart datum level British Standard Wire Gauge

  2. 环境保护标准,环境标准海图基准面海图基准线

    Environmental standard chart datum level

  3. 长江口海图深度基准面换算关系研究

    Relationships among depth datum levels in the Yangtze Estuary

  4. 基于最小二乘潮位拟合传递法的数学模型,对短期验潮站海图深度基准面确定方法进行了研究。

    The influence factors on precision of chart datum values from the least square fitting model were discussed .

  5. 简述了深度基准面的概念,分析了海图深度基准面不统一造成的误差及其形成原因。

    This paper indicates the definition of the chart datum and analyzes errors and reasons caused by differing from the chart datum .

  6. 海图深度基准面是海道测量,海洋工程勘察、设计和施工的重要基础数据之一。

    Chart datum is one of the important basic data of hydrography , investigation , design and construction of harbor , channel and other ocean engineerings .

  7. 海图深度基准面用离散验潮站点上深度基准面值表示,通过分区插值扩展到整个海域。

    Chart datum is expressed by values of depth datum of discrete tide stations , and is extended to the entire area by the method of partition interpolation .

  8. 改正数方程和改正数分布图不仅为使用历史海图的科技人员提供了基础性资料,而且为历史海图深度基准面转换的研究提供了一种新的方法。

    The correction equations and scatter diagrams not only provide basic data for technologists who use the historical chart , but also provide a new method for the study of transformation of sounding data on historical chart .