
  • 网络Directional measurement;orientation measurement;directional survey
  1. 沿轴线方向测量高阶Volterra核

    Measuring high-order Volterra kernels along axis

  2. 同时,还用该仪器从平面与截面这两个方向测量了土壤含水率,并用Arcview软件进行了距离反比法插值分析,取得了较好的结果。

    Meanwhile , Using this apparatus measured soil containing water data from plane and section , and using software Arc view insert value analyzed by distance inverse ratio measure , the result is very good .

  3. 该算法利用从各方向测量出来的投影值求出物体内部受检断面各点的X射线衰减系数,从而重建出整个人体横截面的图像。

    This algorithm uses the profiles collected from a number of angles to compute the X-Ray attenuation coefficient of a cross section inside the body , then reconstruct the image of the cross section .

  4. 为了探索超热电子束的传输特性,利用光学CCD相机在靶背法线方向测量了光学渡越辐射积分成像图案。

    For exploring the transport characteristic of hot electron bunches , the integrated image pattern of optical transition radiation were measured at the normal direction of the rear side of targets employing the optical CCD camera .

  5. 利用光学CCD相机和OMA光学多道分析仪,分别在金属箔背表面法线方向测量了光发射的积分成像光谱和散射光光谱。

    The integrated image spectrum and scattering light spectrum of optical emission at normal direction from rear-side of a metallic foil were measured , employing optical CCD camera and OMA optical multi-channel spectrometer .

  6. 基于非正交坐标测量系统的平行双关节坐标测量机具有两个精密关节和角度盘,可实现在X-Y平面上测量,并具有Z轴方向测量的线位移导轨和标尺。

    Parallel Double-Joint CMM based on non-orthogonal coordinate measuring system , which has an angle scale and two precision joints for measurement of X-Y plane , linear displacement guide and ruler for Z axis .

  7. 从七个方向测量了非柱对称弧柱的谱线强度Hβ的分布。再通过Maldonado-Olsen转换求得发射系数场和温度场。

    The intensity distributions of a cylindrically asymmetric arc are measured from seven directions of observation in order to determine the emission coefficients and the temperature fields in terms of Maldonado-Olsen 's transformation .

  8. 用中子相干非弹性散射、沿三个主晶轴方向测量了同构异质晶体NaBrO3和NaClO3的声子色散关系。

    The dispersion curves of phonons along three crystallographic axes for isomorphous crystals NaBrO_3 and NaClO_3 have been measured by using coherent inelastic neutron scattering .

  9. Si-PIN条带探测器是在一个硅基片上刻蚀多个条带探测器,常用于空间探测中的粒子方向测量。

    The Si-PIN strip detector is constructed as several strip detectors in one silicon slice , and can be generally used to measure the particle directions in the space exploration .

  10. 磁通门技术应用于工程当中,主要为方向测量和磁场强度测量。

    Fluxgate technology is applied to measure direction and magnetic field .

  11. 磁方向测量的一种实用系统

    Applied System of Magnetic Heading Measurement

  12. 进而建立了光线偏折误差的数学模型并得到在不同方向测量圆钢直径时的误差函数。

    Also obtained are the error functions of the bar diameter when measurement is taken in different directions .

  13. 建立了沿不同方向测量圆钢直径时、光线偏折误差的修正函数。

    The correction-functions for the light deflection error of bar diameter measurement in several different directions are obtained .

  14. 该方法在保证垂直方向测量范围的同时,扩展了白光扫描干涉术的水平测量范围,且无需拼接过程。

    This new technique provides a solution to expand the horizontal measurement range of white light scanning interferometry , without the need of stitching .

  15. 仪器垂直测量范围为500μm;垂直方向测量精度可达0·5μm,分辨率为0·01μm。

    The maximum vertical measuring range of the instrument can reach 500 μ m with a minimum resolution of 0.01 μ m and the measuring precision of 0.5 μ m.

  16. 梯度使气流方向测量值向负梯度方向偏转。圆柱探针和锥形多孔探针相比,气流方向测量误差对速度梯度更敏感,纵向梯度对俯仰角测量值的影响尤其大。

    The velocity gradient , especially the perpendicular velocity gradient , leads the measuring error of flow angle with cylindrical probe to be larger than with conical multi-hole probe .

  17. 磁方向测量是利用磁方向传感器感测运动物体相对地磁北的方向角。

    He principle of the magnetic heading measurement lies in the use of magnetic heading sensors to sense the heading of the moving object with respect to the magnetic north .

  18. 最后,着重指出怎样识别以下几种主要误差:(1)表面方向测量误差;

    Finally , this paper points out emphatically how to recognize and how to analyse some kinds of the main errors : ( 1 ) the measurment error of the surface orientation ;

  19. 针对机载无源探测系统采用的电磁辐射目标三角定位法,提出了一种可消除方向测量量中隐含系统误差的定位算法。

    A location algorithm capable of eliminating implication system error in direction finding quantity is put forward in this paper , based on the triangle localization method of electromagnetic radiation target used in airborne passive detection system .

  20. 在距离测量和方向测量方面,本文采用数据融合方法,使各个不同传感器的单模信息融合成总的单模信息,清扫机器人通过这个总的单模信息来寻找节点到墙面的行走方向。

    On the aspect of distance and direction measuring , we use Kalman filter , it can translate all different sensor information into single , the robot can search the note and walk close to the wall .

  21. 本文以试验研究为主要手段,采用流动显示和图像处理技术,从水槽底部和侧面两个方向测量,分别对明槽紊流近壁区的带状结构及颗粒运动特性进行了系统的试验研究。

    In this paper , the spatial structure of the low-speed streaks and particle motion in the near wall region of turbulent open channel flow were observed on the side and bottom of a water flume , respectively , using flow visualization and image processing techniques .

  22. 利用有限的地应力方向测量数据进行外推,可以估计无测量数据地区的地应力方向,或勾绘地应力轨迹线,从而得到一个油田的总体地应力方向。

    Spatial interpolation and extrapolation of available limited measurements of stress directions result in estimation of stress directions in the places lacking of data . In this way the stress trajectories showing global stress direction pattern of an oil field can be constructed and used for improving well allocation .

  23. 基于直航法的目标RCS方向特性测量

    Measurement of RCS Directivity of Target Based on Straight-running Measurement Method

  24. 在1mm内两个方向上测量电缆外径。

    Measure the cable outer diameter in two directions to within1mm .

  25. stokes参数的测量一般只是在某个固定的方向上测量,对于多角度测量stokes参数测量目前还没有相关的实验结果,论文对这种实验结构的设计做了简单的构思。

    In most experiments , stokes parameters are measured on a determined direction , this dissertation gives a design of how to measure stokes parameters through multi-angle .

  26. 实验结果得出的最初原形显示此传感器在竖直方向的测量范围可达到1100mm,横向测量范围达1300mm。

    The experimental result of the prototype sensor shows that this sensor may achieve 1 100 mm in the vertical direction survey scope , the crosswise survey scope reaches 1 300 mm .

  27. 一种新型的转子旋转速度大小及方向的测量装置

    A Novel Instrument for Measuring Rotor Speed and Its Direction

  28. 行播作物地面方向性测量的视场不确定性分析

    Footprint Uncertainty Analysis for Ground-based Multiangular Measurement of Row Crops

  29. 磁力传感器在方向角测量中动态模型分析

    Dynamic Model Analysis of Magnetic Sensor for Direction Measurement

  30. 基于离焦的微操作机器人系统光轴方向深度测量

    Depth measurement in the direction of optical axis based on defocused micro-manipulation system