• scar;a scar-like mark
  • 伤口或疮平复以后留下的痕迹:伤~。疮~。~痕。

  • 器物上像疤的痕迹:坛子磕了一个~。


(瘢疮或伤口愈后的痕迹) scar:

  • 疮疤

    scar; sore;

  • 伤疤



(像疤的痕迹) a scar-like mark:

  • 碗边上有个疤

    a spot at the rim of a bowl

  1. 她脸上一条红色的长疤使她破相了。

    Her face was disfigured by a long red scar .

  2. 他的面颊上有一块大紫疤。

    A large purple scar marked his cheek .

  3. 他的前额有一道疤。

    He had a scar on his forehead .

  4. 他那张疤脸高兴得皱了起来。

    His scarred face crumpled with pleasure .

  5. 香烟在桌面上烧了一个疤。

    The burning cigarette left a mark on the table top .

  6. 枪伤在他胸口上留下了疤。

    The bullet wound left a scar on his chest .

  7. 她脸上的疤是出事故后留下来的。

    The accident left scars on her face .

  8. 这就叫做NOTES,这就是基本无疤手术,通过机器人手术来实现。

    And this is called NOTES , and this is coming basically scarless surgery , as mediated by robotic surgery .

  9. 然后在介绍了基于DSP的轮疤检测数据采集和处理系统的总体结构的情况下,详细说明了系统各功能模块的设计与实现及其工作方法。

    And then introduced the overall structure of the data acquisition and processing system , and detailed the design and implementation of the kinds of functional modules .

  10. 防疤烧伤膏对大鼠创面愈合过程中TGFβ1基因表达的影响

    The effect of Fang Ba Shao Shang ointment on TGF β _1 gene expression in rat skin at different stages of wound healing

  11. 当反应器壁面温度较低时,靠近壁面为TiO2颗粒堆结层,而靠气相主体的疤层发生了部分烧结。

    At low wall temperature , the particle packed layer is formed by powder deposition , and the scale is partly sintered at higher temperature .

  12. TheJoker:[将刀塞进Gamble的嘴里]想知道我怎么弄到这些疤吗?

    The Joker : [ holding a knife inside Gamble 's mouth ] Wanna know how I got these scars ?

  13. 采用TEM、SEM、光学显微镜和XRD分析了不同条件下TiO2产物粉末、热壁硬疤和冷壁凝结软疤的形态和结构。

    The morphology and structure of TiO2 powder , hot wall scale and cool wall scale by condensation were characterized by TEM , SEM , Optical microscopy and XRD , respectively .

  14. 我们正处在一个叫做NOTES的真正无疤手术时代,机器人的内窥镜能穿过胃部切除胆囊,全程都是机器人化无疤方式。

    And we 're entering an era of really , truly scarless surgery called NOTES , where the robotic endoscope can come out the stomach and pull out that gallbladder all in a scarless way and robotically .

  15. Pfeiffer自从出演了《油脂小子》和《疤面煞星》以来,已经在一点点品尝明星的滋味。

    Pfeiffer has been nibbling at stardom sincc her sints in Grease Two and Scarface .

  16. 最后采用磁粉探伤复验发现磁记忆信号部位存在大量3~5mm长的焊疤表面裂纹。

    3 ~ 5mm long surface cracks were found by magnetic particle testing in the position of MMMT signals after pressurization .

  17. 目前临床上应用的治疗溃疡的药物疗效显著,但在一部分患者中,溃疡愈合不够完美,形成所谓的红疤(redscar),更有甚者在服药1年后仍不能愈合。

    Although the chemical drugs are effective in the therapy of ulcers , the ulcer cicatrization is not perfect in some cases so-called the " red scar " . Some pertinacious ulcers cannot be healed even after 1 year of treatment .

  18. 研究发现含Cu钢板表面月牙状、疤块状的结疤缺陷属折叠型缺陷,与Cu-Ni富集无关。

    We discover that the surface defects of copper-containing steel plate such as moon form , scab form belong to the folding defect , having nothing to do with the enrichment of Cu-Ni .

  19. 单纯疤疹病毒-2型(HSV-2)是某些新生儿先天性畸形和自发性流产的原因。

    Herpes simplex virus type 2 ( HSV-2 ) is a cause of congenital abnormalities in the newborn and sometimes spontaneous abortion in the early stage of gestation .

  20. 柑橘脚腐病(Footrotofcitrus)又名裙腐病、烂蔸疤,是危害柑橘主干基部的土传性病害,在我国各柑橘产区均有发生。

    Foot rot of Citrus , also known as foot rot and rotten stump scar , is a kind of disease that via ground to spread and harms the bottom of citrus stem and has occurred in all citrus production areas of China .

  21. 研究了化学气相合成制备TiO2粉末反应器管壁结疤问题,提出了冷壁凝结抑制产物粉末产生硬疤的方法和作用机制。

    Formation of wall scale in the reactor during the process of chemical synthesis TiO2 in vapor phase has been investigated . The method and mechanism about restraining producing powder anomaly glowing up to form hard wall scale by condensation with cool wall was presented .

  22. PPD试验阳性率与接种次数和有卡疤呈正相关,与接种技术和质量以及有无结核接触史有关;

    There were significant differences for PPD test positive rates between different districts and different age groups , and there was positive correlation of the positive rate with the BCG immunization doses , BCG vaccinated scar , vaccinating technique and tuberculosis contact .

  23. 正如Bretz所说,疤地恰如其名,它们代表了地球表面一道无法愈合的伤疤。

    As Bretz remarked , the Scablands are aptly named , for they represent an unhealed wound in the skin of the Earth .

  24. 或者土卫六只是个坑坑疤疤的冰冷卫星?

    Or is Titan simply an icy satellite pocked with craters ?

  25. 那道长长的疤,它早已结了痂。

    That grow long scar , it has already knot scabs .

  26. 毛孔、釉疤的产生原因及克服方法

    The Reasons of Forming Pinholes and the Ways to Overcome Them

  27. 你脸上那块疤是个好记号。

    That scar on your face is a good identification mark .

  28. 如果留疤,我就告那个蠢驴。

    If I end up with stretch marks , sue his ass.

  29. 车轮扁疤冲击分析

    Analysis of Impact Influence of Wheel Tread Flat Spot on Railway Track

  30. 我脑袋后现在还有块疤呢。

    I still got the knot in the back of my head .