
xún rén qǐ shì
  • a notice in a missing-persons column
  1. 她的家人上个月发布了寻人启事。

    Her family reported her missing last month .

  2. 你很快想到可以在分类广告栏登个寻人启事,但想到城市有多大,也就放弃了。

    You briefly consider writing a Craigslist Missed Connection before you remember just how big the city is .

  3. 当时《寻人启事》造成了一种什么样的影响呢?后来又是怎么出现《此人出售》这个作品的?

    What effects was made by the work then ? Later how come forth the work the person for sale ?

  4. 从最早的《寻人启事》谈起吧!当年是什么情况让您想到做《寻人启事》这件作品的?

    Let 's talk about Notice for Missing Persons the early ! What was circumstance when you did the work ?

  5. 《萨福克自由新闻报》同意帮迪克在报纸上刊登寻人启事。

    Dick approached the Suffolk Free Press who agreed to help him by putting word of his search in their newspaper .

  6. 我们在一列开往布鲁克林方向的火车上有过一面之缘,随后在克雷格菜单网站的寻人启事页面中找到对方。

    We made eye contact on a Brooklyn-bound train and then found one another through the Missed Connections page on Craigslist .

  7. 晚上8点,当地一位居民在男孩父母张贴的寻人启事上认出了小欣。

    At 8 pm , a local resident identified Xiao 's face on missing person posters printed by the boys ' parents .

  8. 最后,达蒙终于向几名路人寻求帮助,但是没有人理睬他。与此同时,他在纽约的亲戚已经在当地电视台和街头发布了寻人启事。

    Meanwhile , his relatives were putting up posters of Mr Mootoo on lampposts and his picture was broadcast on the local television news .

  9. 斯凯拉失踪后,蕾切尔帮助她的家人分发寻人启事,在他们伤心难过的时候安慰他们,还经常打电话,或上门拜访,了解她失踪的朋友有没有进展。

    After Skylar 's disappearance , Rachel helped the family hand out missing person flyers , consoled them in their time of grief , and often called or went over to their home to get updates on her missing friend .