
nǎi yóu bǐnɡ ɡān
  • cream cracker
  1. 奶油饼干:另一种丹麦食品,跟饼干一样好吃。

    Butter cookies : Another Danish treat , gorgeous little biscuits .

  2. 除了茶之外,她还准备了一些奶油饼干。

    With tea she served some lovely buttery biscuits .

  3. 密西西比居民最喜爱猪肉烧烤,炸鲶鱼,奶油饼干,肉汁和粉蒸肉。

    Residents of Mississippi favor pork barbecue , fried catfish , buttery biscuits and gravy and tamales .

  4. 然后他会对她喷雾奶油饼干,她已经离开了她的架子上。

    And then he 'd spray whipped cream all over her cookies that she had left out on her shelf .

  5. 将浮油从水面清除就好象剥落奶油饼干的表层,将浮油撇出来。

    Taking oil off the surface of the water is kind of like peeling the filling of an Oreo cookie . You are skimming it .

  6. 而危险性最高的当属便宜的奶油冰淇淋饼干。

    And the title of the most dangerous biscuit belongs to the humble custard cream .

  7. 我喜欢吃抹上奶油的饼干。

    I love biscuits spread with butter .

  8. 最初,人们把它称为奥利奥饼干。但是到20世纪40年代,它的名称改为奥利奥奶油夹心饼干。

    They were originally called Oreo biscuits , but the name was changed to Oreo Creme Sandwich in the 1940s .

  9. 把奶酪、酸奶、糖和香草一起搅拌直到混合均匀。然后把混合好的奶油放到饼干屑上面,待凉。

    Beat the soft cheese , yogurt , sugar and vanilla together until smooth , then spoon over the crumbs and chill until you are ready to serve .

  10. 美味可口的奥利奥是全球最受欢迎的饼干,因为世界各地的人们热衷于“扭一扭、泡一泡、舔一舔”奶油夹心饼干这种独特吃法。

    The delicious Oreo is the most popular cookie in the world , with people all over the world twisting , pulling and dunking the creme sandwich biscuit .

  11. 叫她们买点奶油华夫饼干。

    Tell them to get butter waffles .

  12. 白色奶油夹心的巧克力饼干。

    Chocolate cookie with white cream filling .

  13. 甜点,比如标准巴克拉娃脆香或galactobourico(奶油布丁和肉桂糕点)或奶油饼干,都是不错的一顿。

    Dessert , such as the standard baklava or galactobourico ( custard pudding with cinnamon pastry ) or butter cookies , rounds out a meal .