
  • 网络The original poem
  1. 她的请求原件电邮及原诗和拙之翰墨一并附呈。

    Her original email of request , the original poem , and my calligraphy are all attached .

  2. 在传达原诗内容和神韵的基础上,同时达到与原诗形式最佳的近似度,才是上乘之作。

    The best version is to achieve the best approximation with the original poem form on the basis of conveying the content and nuances of the original poem .

  3. 《原诗》的艺术主客体关系论

    On Artistic Presentation of the Subject Object Relationship in Yuanshi

  4. 总结了中、西学者对中诗英译原则的具体研究,中国译者以许渊冲和翁显良为代表,他们注重原诗意蕴的保全;

    I also produce the studies on translating Chinese poems in English .

  5. 注重意境,追求原诗整体美学效果,通过隐含意义取势。

    Emphasis on overall aesthetic effect by implied meaning .

  6. 叶燮《原诗》研究

    Studies on the Origin of Poetry by Ye Xie

  7. 原诗确实是感情真挚、音韵和谐的“乐府”佳作。

    The original version was one of the best emotional , harmonious poems .

  8. 在原诗中,声音反映诗的意义。

    In the source poem , the sounds reflect the meaning of the poem .

  9. 但翻译只能作为一种工具,而不能取代原诗。

    But translation should remain the means , and not an end in itself .

  10. 叶燮《原诗》诗学思想研究述评

    Review of the Research on Ye Xie ′ s Poetics Thought of On Poems

  11. 叶燮《原诗》对唐宋诗之争的理论解析

    Theoretical analysis about the controversy of Tang and Song Poetry in on poems by Ye Xie

  12. 这样,原诗的意义才能得到充分的体现。

    Thus , the meaning of the source poem is fully conveyed and communication is intensified .

  13. 译诗要传达原诗言少意多的技巧

    Fewer-Word-for-More-Meaning-Technique Conveyed in Poem Translation

  14. 诗歌翻译的本质就是再现原诗的审美特质和艺术魅力。

    Poetry translation , by nature , is to reproduce as much as possible the original artistic charm .

  15. 古诗英译是翻译中的难点,首要的是要完成对原诗的理解,并能将原诗想表达的思想准确地表现出来。

    The Creativeness in Translation of Ancient Chinese Poetry The translation of ancient poetry into English is a nodus .

  16. 第三章通过《原诗》中的主要诗学观点来说明诗歌的发展变化,分为三节。

    Chapter three explains the form change and development of poems through the main ideas in the book Yuanshi .

  17. 要在译文中再现原诗中的美就要求译者具有审美意识。

    Only when the translator has the aesthetic consciousness can he recreate the beauty of the original in the target text .

  18. 汉诗英译中是否保留原诗的形式特征,能否恰当阐释原诗意义,以及如何进行意象的转换,一直是译者关注的焦点。

    Translating Chinese ancient poem into English , the translators invariably focus on the form , appropriate interpretation and the images .

  19. 《原诗》是隶属六字辈马华诗人群体中的林幸谦先生的获奖诗集。

    The Origin of Poetry is an awarded collection of poems by Malaysia-Chinese poet , Lin Xingqian who was born in1960s .

  20. 译者在译原诗时要使用象似形式体现象似性。

    When translating the source poem , the translator employs the iconic forms to render the iconicity of the source poem .

  21. 本文主要论述叶燮《原诗》的法这一理论范畴。

    This paper mainly discusses the original poem " YeXie " of the " approach " to the theory of category .

  22. 最后是《原诗》的独特价值,这是本文的创新之处。

    Finally , the " original poem " is the unique value , this is the innovation of this paper place .

  23. 作为译者,应该准确理解原诗内容,结合意境翻译的原则。

    In terms of translators , they should understand original poetry exactly and insist upon the principles associated with artistic conception .

  24. 他强调翻译唐诗最重要的是体现出原诗的意美。

    He emphasizes that the most important thing in the translation of the Tang poetry is to reproduce its beauty in sense .

  25. 第二,译者对原诗节奏及韵式的保留越来越趋向于严格,而这种趋势是否必要有待进一步证实。

    Second , there is an unjustified tendency moving towards the stricter preservation of the rhythm and the rhyme patterns of the original .

  26. 但由于汉语语言在这两个项目上的空缺,造成原诗所负载的这些信息在译成汉语时失落。

    But the absence of the two items in the Chinese language leads to the failure of the information in the Chinese translation .

  27. 关于这首诗的最后一句话:我把这首诗之所以如此流行原因归结为原诗动人心弦的语言。

    Finally another word about the poem . I attribute the popularity of the poem from the touching words in its original version .

  28. 中外译者正是由于在翻译审美意识上的差异才使原诗产生了各种英译文。

    Owing to the differences in ACT , Chinese and Western translators are able to produce diverse English versions of the original poem .

  29. 汉诗英译的一大障碍是如何重现原诗中的模糊词语。

    One of the obstacles in English translation of Chinese poems might lie in reproducing the vague words and expressions of the original .

  30. 《春晓》两译文用词简洁、自然流畅,贴切地传达了原诗的“意美”,其意境表达毫不逊色于原文。

    The two version of SPRING MORNING are easy , smooth and graceful in artistic conception by no means inferior to the original .