
  • 网络German architecture;German construction
  1. 德国建筑中雨水收集利用

    The collection and reuse of rainwater in in Germany architecture

  2. 德国建筑事务所的组织及运作方式

    Organization and Operation Pattern of Architectural Firms in Germany

  3. 1987年柏林国际建筑展览会对德国建筑界的意义

    On the meaning of the International Building Exhibition Berlin 1987 to German architecture

  4. 德国建筑节能法规及节能技术简述

    Overview of Energy Saving Laws & Regulations and Energy Saving Technology of Building in Germany

  5. 新德国建筑:案例的展示

    New German Architecture : an exhibition

  6. 德国建筑的屋顶窗户

    Roof Windows in German Architecture

  7. 1987年的柏林国际建筑展览会,对德国建筑的发展产生了很大的促进作用。

    The International Building Exhibition Berlin 1987 produces a great promotive effect to the development of german architecture .

  8. 德国建筑的生态节能技术位于世界前列,大量旧建筑通过节能改造达到甚至超越了现行的能耗标准。

    German architecture are well known for its green techniques for energy conservation which are ahead of most countries in the world .

  9. 德国建筑改造中节能技术的应用研究&以德国某幼儿园改造为例

    Application Research of Energy-saving Technique in the Buildings Rebuilt Project in Germany . & Take a kindergarten rebuilding project in Germany as an example

  10. 现代德国建筑的走向,虽然五色纷呈,但基本保持了艺术基于技术的传统。

    The recent trends in German architecture are quite diverse , however , the tradition that art is based on technology has most been maintained .

  11. 风格的多样化也在一定程度上体现了此时期的德国建筑思潮及特色,也体现了青岛是德国近代建筑风貌的一个缩影。

    The diversity of styles in a certain extent also reflected architecture trends and characteristics in the German occupied period , and Qingdao-style is also a microcosm of modern architectural style in Germany .

  12. 本文在对包括德国建筑技术法规一技术标准体系、管理机构、实施监督情况进行分析研究的基础上,结合我国现状并借鉴德国先进经验,提出我国建筑标准体系应采取的对策和建议。

    Based on research on system of construction technical regulation-technical standards , administrative setup , enforcement and supervision in German , the article puts forward some countermeasures and proposals , with combining present situation in China and advanced experience in German .

  13. 还有NormanFoster在德国住宅建筑中对玻璃和钢材的艺术应用。

    Or Norman Foster 's artistry in working with glass and steel in a house in Germany .

  14. HPP与德国现代建筑的理性主义传统

    HPP and the tradition of the rationalism of modern German architecture

  15. 德国2006建筑节能规范及能源证书体系

    German Code of Building Energy Efficiency 2006 and Energy Pass System

  16. 30+30&人文视野下的德国国际建筑展

    30 + 30 & German International Architecture Exhibition under Humanity

  17. 德国现代建筑运动中的中国学者

    A Chinese architect in German modern architecture movement

  18. 我们通过他可以对德国现代建筑思想的源流和德国现代建筑运动的发展窥见一斑。

    Throughhis life we might have a look at the source anddevelopment of Germanic Modern Architectureand Thought .

  19. 德国的建筑能源护照制度

    Building energy passport in Germany

  20. 新建筑严格遵循德国的建筑风格,以至于你经常很难分出哪些是新建筑,哪些是老房子。

    New buildings adhere so strictly to the German architectural style that it is often hard to tell the old and new apart .

  21. 而大连百年汇豪生酒店是典型的德国式建筑,大师精彩的设计将德国建筑简洁、没有不合理、超越时间的特质表现的淋漓尽致。

    These are the special qualities of German architectural designs and they have perfectly conveyed all of these qualities on the design of the hotel .

  22. 最近,一项私人项目已吸引了12个来自德国的建筑公司参赛,他们参与设计大型国际商旅度假中心。

    Recently , a privately initiated project has involved up to twelve German architecture firms in a competition to design a huge international tourist and business resort .

  23. 在当时由于受到各种社会思潮和理论影响,德国的建筑理论领域中渗入了大量的哲学和历史学等理论;从而这场风格论战拓展了建筑学的边界,涵盖了当时诸多的社会和文化问题。

    Because of influence by plentiful social concept and theory at that time , Germanic architectural theory drew into abundant philosophy and history theory . Thus the style debate expanded the boundary of the architecture , covered lots of social and culture at that time .

  24. 从巴塞罗那德国馆的建筑平面中读解密斯的设计概念

    Analyses Mr. Mies 's Design Conception from the Plan of Germany Pavilion in Barcelona

  25. 1917年以前的德国功能主义建筑;

    The functional building in Germany before 1917 ;

  26. 从空间和布局的角度分析德国图书馆的建筑理念,以期对中国图书馆建筑的实践和理论研究提供参考。

    To analyze the ideas behind the architecture of German libraries in order to advance similar practice and theory study in China .

  27. 1972年,德国的奥运建筑可能说获得了一块金牌,但是四年后,在蒙特利尔,那就是另一个情况了。

    Germany may have won the gold for architecture in1972 , but4 years late in Montreal , it was a different story .

  28. 介绍了德国当前的建筑节能理念和实际技术的应用,并针对中国目前情况提出建筑生态节能设计系统的概念及其重要组成部分;

    The paper makes an account of the new concept of building energy saving and application of practical techniques in today 's Germany .

  29. 青岛德占时期的建筑形式和风格,充分反映了欧洲和德国当时的建筑流派所带来的影响。

    During German occupation period , the form and style of Qingdao architectures reflected the influences of European and German architecture school at that time .

  30. 综述了一位德国建筑师的建筑生态观及其生态建筑设计的几种方法与措施,并通过单身母亲公寓等几个生态建筑实例介绍这些方法与措施在实践中的运用。

    This thesis summarizes a German architect 's viewpoint of ecological sense and design mothods and measures for ecological building . It introduces some examples such as Single mother 's Flats how to utilize these methods and measures in practice .