
  • 【电影】Astro Boy
  1. 日本第一部动画片《铁臂阿童木》于1963年问世。

    Astro Boy , Japan 's first anime TV series , was launched in1963 .

  2. 公司的创始人弗朗西斯·高不仅确保影片的正确,而且把铁臂阿童木创造者手冢治虫的儿子请来作为创作顾问。

    The company 's founder , Francis Kao , not only secured the movie rights but also hired the son of Astro Boy creator Osamu Tezuka as a creative consultant .

  3. 很多日本科学家成为卡通人物的仰慕者,例如铁臂阿童木(又称原子小金刚)是一个维持人类和平的机器人。

    Many Japanese scientists grew up as admirers of the cartoon characters such as Mighty Atom ( also known as Astro Boy ), a robot that keeps the peace among human beings .