
  • 网络social skill
  1. 社会交往能力是MBA学生应具备的重要素质,也恰好是中国学生所欠缺的。

    This social skill is the essential quality of a MBA student , and is what we Chinese students usually lack .

  2. 孤残儿童的社会交往能力、心理行为问题与寄养

    Fostered Children : A Study on Social Skills , Psychological and Behavioral Problems

  3. 参与体育社团与大学生社会交往能力的实验研究

    The Study about Students Participate in Sports Associations and the Social Interactions

  4. 即兴演奏音乐治疗对自闭症幼儿社会交往能力的成效研究

    The Study of Effectiveness of Improvisational Music Therapy on Autistic Children 's Sociability

  5. 具有一定的社会交往能力,具有优秀的组织和协调能力。

    Have the certain social interaction ability , have excellent organization and harmonize an ability .

  6. 工作投入,富于创新和挑战,具有良好的社会交往能力和团队合作精神。

    Work inputs , innovative and challenges , have good social interaction and team spirit .

  7. 培养提高大学生社会交往能力,主动积极利用社会支持资源;

    Train and improve university student 's social contact ability and utilize the society to support resources aggressively ;

  8. 操作性音乐治疗对慢性精神分裂症情感和社会交往能力的疗效分析

    An Analysis of Effects of Operative Music Therapy on Emotion and Social Interaction of Patients with Chronic Schizophrenia

  9. 因此,企业家日常管理能力、社会交往能力高低并不是影响企业绩效的的最关键变量。

    Therefore , the level of entrepreneurs ' daily management and social interpersonal competence are not key performance influential factors .

  10. 第二类是内在个体因素,涉及执行功能、语言、记忆、社会交往能力等。

    The other is internal individual factors , that is executive function 、 language 、 memory 、 social interaction ability etc.

  11. 寄养在一定程度上提高了儿童的社会交往能力,但是提高的程度与正常儿童相比并不显著。

    Fosterage has improved children 's social skills in a certain way , but the improvement is not remarkable when compare to normal children .

  12. 有人认为,体育促进了青少年社会交往能力,教会孩子们如何在课堂外与同伴打交道;

    For some , sports foster the social development of young people , teaching kids how to interact with their peers outside the classroom .

  13. 封闭式管理下的中等职业学校学生在心理素质、社会交往能力、动手能力和创新能力等方面在封闭的状态下发展是畸形发展。

    Secondary vocational school students may suffer deformed development in mental quality , sociability , practical ability , and innovative ability in a closed state .

  14. 它具有提高学生的文化艺术素养和审美评价能力,激发学生的创新意识和创造能力,发展学生和谐的社会交往能力的作用。

    It can improve students'culture art manners and the ability of appreciating beauty and evaluating , stimulate student 's creative consciousness and ability , develop the socialable ability .

  15. 早教组通过指导家长,从新生儿期开始接受包括运动、认知、语言和社会交往能力等方面的早期教育。

    Their parents were taught to carry out the early educational program beginning from newborn period , which included motion , cognition , speech development and social behavior .

  16. 企业家战略管理、日常管理和社会交往能力的不足可以通过选拔胜任下属来弥补,但思维创新能力无可替代。

    The weakness of entrepreneurs ' strategy management , daily management and social ability can be remedied by selecting competent employees , but thinking-innovation competence is not substitutable .

  17. 通过这次的活动,能培养我们成员的实践能力,社会交往能力,以及收集、分析和利用各种信息资源的能力。

    Through the activity this time , can train our members'practice ability , social contact ability , and collect , the analysis and ability of different information resources of use .

  18. 不同职级军官对能力倾向评价的一致性最好,而在敢为、忠诚、威信和社会交往能力等指标上评价的一致性最差。

    The evaluation of competency made by the officers of different ranks had the highest consistency in their evaluation of courage , faithfulness and prestige , while sociality had the lowest consistency .

  19. 地理实践活动是培养学生的实践能力,团结协作和社会交往能力及创新精神的有效途径,地理实践活动成绩评定是学生成绩评定必不可少的一部分。

    Geography practical activities is an effective methods to foster students ' practical ability , cooperative , and creative ability . Usually it is difficult to assess students ' geography practical activities achievement fairly and properly .

  20. 结论可通过训练自我控制能力、掌握最佳学习策略、培养正向自我概念、发展积极应对能力、提高社会交往能力等心理教育措施改善护生的心理适应能力。

    Conclusion Such mental education measures like self-control training , mastery of best learning strategy , cultivation of positive self-concept , development of active coping ability and improvement of social life may improve the mental adaptability of the students .

  21. 有效实施礼仪文化教育,不但有利于提升大学生的个人修养,还可以提高他们的社会交往能力,帮助他们营造和谐友善的人际关系。

    By education of proprieties culture , not only university students ' moral character and manner can be promoted , but also their ability of social intercourse can be improved , and their interrelationship will become more and more harmonious .

  22. 营建高质量的游憩空间环境是本文研究的目的,因为精心设计和组织的空间对儿童身体发育、智力、心理及社会交往能力等方面都有巨大影响。

    Building the amusement and rest space environment of high quality is the thesis research purpose , because the space designed meticulously and organized all has tremendous influence to children 's body development , intelligence , psychology and social contact ability .

  23. 结论:奖励法能充分调动孤独症儿童学习的积极性,对语言表达、语言理解方面效果明显,同时提高孤独症儿童的智力、自理能力、社会交往能力。

    CONCLUSION : Language therapy with encouragement can completely activate the learning activity of autistic children , has obvious effect on language expression and comprehension , also can improve the intellect , self-care ability and social communicative ability in autistic children .

  24. 即科技型中小企业最大的竞争力是来自业务能力、创新能力、思维创新能力和战略管理能力,而不是日常管理能力或社会交往能力,更不是管理体制和企业文化。

    So the biggest competitiveness of S & T SMEs are generated from business competence , innovation competence , thinking-innovation competence as well as strategy-management competence , instead of daily management competence or social interpersonal competence , management system or corporate culture .

  25. 传统药物治疗已经不能满足银屑病患者康复的需要,故还需从心理角度帮助他们消除心理压力、克服自卑,建立社会交往能力和适应能力。

    Traditional drug therapy has been unable to meet the needs of patients ' psoriasis . Therefore , it needs to help they eliminate psychological pressure 、 overcome the low self-esteem and build social skills and adaptability from the psychological point of view .

  26. 在英语课堂中,小组活动改变了传统教学只重视语法结构、教师主宰者课堂、影响了学生社会交往能力的发展。

    In English class , group work changes the traditional teaching form , which paid much attention on the syntactic structure and in which teachers acted as a controller which is no conducive to the development of the students ' social communicational ability .

  27. 即发展和创新网络技术为独立学院大学生网络交往提供更好的条件;加强独立学院大学生的网络交往方法的教育;正确引导并充分发挥网络交往的积极作用;切实提高独立学院大学生的现实社会交往能力。

    Develop and innovate network technology to provide better conditions for independent college students ' communication ability by internet communication ; strengthen the network communication method education to independent college students ; properly guide and fully play the active role of internet communication ; effectively improve real social communication skills .

  28. 协作学习涉及到一组异质的学生共同工作完成学习目标和学习任务,在这个过程中他们习得合作和社会交往的能力。

    Cooperative learning involves small heterogeneous groups of students working together to achieve a common academic goal or task while working together to learn collaboration and social skills .

  29. 其特点是社会交往和沟通能力的明显损伤,表现出包括性格孤僻、情绪不稳、行为、兴趣或活动模式刻板等症状。

    Its characteristic is social interaction and communication skills of obvious harm , including withdrawn character and emotional instability , behavior , interests , or activity mode inflexible and other symptoms .

  30. 它还使我有接触有各种广泛阅历的朋友的机会,提高我的社会交往和沟通的能力。

    In addition , it offered opportunities for me to meet with people with broad range of background which help my social and communication skills .