
  • 网络third-tier city
  1. 他们的工作范围通常集中在二线或者三线城市,在这种城市中一个外表堂堂的外国人会给当地官员留下比较好的印象。

    Often they are jobs at a second - or third-tier city , where the presence of pale-faced foreigners is needed to impress local officials .

  2. Kaul表示,如果航空公司开始向较小的三线城市发动航班,航空业将会出现巨大的发展。

    Kaul says the industry could expand hugely if airlines begin operations to smaller , so-called Tier 3 towns .

  3. 经纪公司联昌国际(CIMB-GK)驻香港分析师JenniferSo说,将重点放在二、三线城市的大众市场是明智之举,因为这个市场上的消费者需求很大。

    ' It 's a smart strategy to focus on the midtier mass markets , given the huge consumer demand , 'says Jennifer So , an analyst in Hong Kong for brokerage CIMB-GK .

  4. 如今,中国每一个二、三线城市都拥有高档购物中心。

    Every second - or third-tier Chinese city now boasts upscale malls .

  5. 多数观察人士认为,二、三线城市市场将在5年内达到饱和。

    Most observers think the lower-tier markets will be saturated within five years .

  6. 中国中小商业银行业又开始了向三线城市扩张。

    Many small and medium commercial banks began to line three city expansion .

  7. 我国三线城市保险业发展水平与影响因素分析

    Analysis of Insurance Development Level and Influencing Factors in Remote Cities of China

  8. 三线城市城市综合体价值最大化实证研究

    Empirical Study on Maximizing the Value of Third Class City " HOPSCA "

  9. 株洲作为典型的三线城市。四种商业类型发展大相径庭。

    As a typical remote city , Zhuzhou is quite different in developing four types of commerce .

  10. 该研究院表示,就安徽省合肥市而言,一个三线城市,其涨幅最大,交易量激增274%,这也代表了三线城市的楼市情况,所有三线城市总体年增152%。

    The third-tier cities group as a whole saw a 152 percent year-on-year advance , the Academy said .

  11. 在170个三线城市,49%的受访者表示今年将增加支出。

    In 170 third-tier cities , 49 per cent of respondents said they would boost their spending this year .

  12. 奢侈品制造商正蜂拥至二、三线城市在那里开设店铺,以求更快增长。

    Luxury goods makers are rushing to open outlets in second - and third-tier cities to seek faster growth .

  13. 房价对地价的短期作用表现为:二线城市强于一线和三线城市;

    The short-term impact of land price on house price is stronger in the second-level cities than the other two .

  14. 近些年来,二、三线城市正在大张旗鼓地大兴土木,城市建设和地产开发方兴未艾。

    In recent years , the second and third tier cities are taking on a grand scale in massive construction projects .

  15. 体育营销人士和分析人士表示,安踏的营销策略提升了其在中国二、三线城市年轻消费者中的形象。

    Sports marketers and analysts say Anta 's moves raise its profile among young consumers in China 's second-and third-tier cities .

  16. 相比之下,在二线城市和三线城市的这一比例分别只有62.5%和43.8%。

    By contrast , the proportion was just 62.5 per cent in second-tier cities and 43.8 per cent in third-tier cities .

  17. 与此同时,31个二线城市房价小幅上涨0.3%,35个三线城市房价上涨0.5%。

    Meanwhile , prices edged up 0.3 percent in 31 second-tier cities , and rose 0.5 percent in 35 third-tier cities .

  18. 他说,这是因为拥有高档百货商店的三线城市数量仍然较少。

    This was because there were still relatively few tier-three cities that could accommodate a luxury department store , he said .

  19. 酒店建设者必须突破孟买、新德里和班加罗尔等城市,深入到成本更低的二线、三线城市和郊区。

    Builders must scout further afield than Mumbai , New Delhi and Bangalore to cheaper second - and third-tier cities and suburbs .

  20. 中国拥有庞大人口规模的二、三线城市的出现,令企业对可能产生的消费热潮垂涎不已。

    The emergence of second and third-tier Chinese cities with big populations has businesses salivating at the prospects of a consumer bonanza .

  21. 李宁公司是中国二、三线城市的市场领军者,耐克和阿迪达斯是北京和上海的市场领军者。

    Li-Ning was market leader in China 's second and third-tier cities , while Nike and Adidas were in Beijing and Shanghai .

  22. 很多生活在三线城市的消费者买不到奢侈品,只能在旅行时购买。

    Many of these people live in tertiary cities where luxury goods do not exist and can only buy them when they travel .

  23. 第二,扩大土地储备数量,投资重点应转移至二、三线城市。

    Second , to extend the number of land reserves , the investment focus should be transferred to the second and third line cities .

  24. 二线城市涨幅比三线城市涨幅稍小,达到了58.3%,而一线城市增幅最小,只有29.5%。

    The second-tier cities saw a much milder increase of 58.3 percent , while the first-tier cities saw the smallest increase of 29.5 percent .

  25. 杨澜:如果你今天到中国的二、三线城市,会看到大量的工程在进行,还有更成熟的城市规划。

    Yang Lan : If you visit second or third tier cities nowadays in China , massive construction , but also more sophisticated city planning .

  26. 该基金关注的重点是城市,其中不仅包括各国首都,也包括二、三线城市,同时邀请独立评估机构每年对地产进行估值。

    Fund focus is urban but includes second and third cities as well as capitals and property valuations are carried out annually by independent valuers .

  27. 杨澜:在中国,东部和西部的差距是很大的,主要城市与二线城市,三线城市的差距也很大。

    Yang Lan : In China , there is a huge disparity from East to West , from major cities to second-tier , third-tier cities .

  28. 此外,一些地方中央商务区以及二、三线城市,如郑州、成都、天津、西安以及武汉也都有这样的需求。

    Some local central business districts and second-tier and third-tier cities such as Zhengzhou , Chengdu , Tianjin , Xi'an and Wuhan also have demand .

  29. 虽然在一些一、二级城市这类人群已经出现了很长一段时间,但在一些三线城市则刚刚兴起。

    Although in some primary and secondary cities such groups have emerged for a very long time , but in some cities are just rise .

  30. 造成这种局面的部分原因在于供需不匹配:三线城市库存仍然很高,抑制了开发商上马新项目的兴趣。

    Some of this is due to demand and supply mismatches : inventories in third tier cities remain high , curbing appetite for new projects .