
sān bāo tāi
  • triplets;triples
三胞胎 [sān bāo tāi]
  • [triplets] 一胎生的三个孩子

  1. VLBW存活率:A组39.3%,B组87.6%。B组1例四胞胎、7例三胞胎100%存活。

    Survival Rate of VLBW infants was 39.3 % in group A and 87.6 % in group B. One quadruplet and 7 triplets were all survived after NICU was set up .

  2. 广州长隆野生动物世界周二宣布,上个月底一只雌性大熊猫在该园产下三胞胎。同一天,爱丁堡动物园(EdinburghZoo)称,该园的一只大熊猫据信怀孕了。

    Guangzhou 's Chimelong Safari Park announced Tuesday that a set of panda triplets was born late last month , the same day that the Edinburgh Zoo announced that one of its pandas is believed to be pregnant .

  3. 一个三胞胎睡在其两个同胞之间

    A triplet sleeps amongst its two siblings .

  4. 他们问他有什么不对劲,他回答道:“什么不对劲?我可是在七喜公司工作呀!”1.twins双胞胎triplets三胞胎

    They asked him what 's wrong and he answered , " What 's wrong ? I work for 7up " !

  5. 这一策略要求施瓦辛格让以往一些巨作重新焕发生机,如《龙兄鼠弟》的续集《三胞胎》(Triplets)和最新一部《终结者》等,后者的剧本正在撰写之中。

    The strategy conceived by his team calls for him to revive hits from his heyday such as ' Triplets ' - the sequel to ' Twins ' - and the next installment of ' The Terminator , ' the script for which is in development .

  6. 她在接受体外受精后生了三胞胎。

    She gave birth to triplets following in vitro fertilization treatment .

  7. 生完三胞胎后,玛格达勒诺心想生孩子的任务算是完成了。

    After their birth , she thought she was done having babies .

  8. 这个村庄也有一些三胞胎。

    The village also has a set of identical triplets .

  9. 同卵三胞胎,五十万分之一的概率。

    Identical triplets , one in half a million births .

  10. 医生总算平安顺利地接生了那胎三胞胎。

    The doctor managed to deliver the triplets safely .

  11. 听说她怀上了三胞胎,我非常吃惊。

    It was quite a shock to learn that she was carrying triplets .

  12. 听着,我才不管她是不是能生出三胞胎来。

    Look , I don 't care if she shottriplets out of her ass.

  13. 我的外婆生了三胞胎,我的姨妈生了四胞胎。

    My maternal grandmother gave birth to triplets and my aunt had quadruplets .

  14. 美国未成年母亲所生三胞胎的生存情况

    Survival of triplets who are born to teen mothers in the United States

  15. 当然,三胞胎尚未度过危险期。

    Of course , the triplets aren 't out of the woods yet .

  16. 一个十六进制的三胞胎是一个六位数、三个字节的十六进制数字代表的颜色。

    A hex triplet is a six-digit , three-byte hexadecimal number to represent colors .

  17. 试管婴儿三胞胎顺利诞生

    Births of triplet ' test tube ' babies

  18. 这三胞胎只与世界最重三胞胎记录相差2.4磅。

    The siblings missed the world record mark for heaviest triplets by 2.4 pounds .

  19. 我已经拥抱了三胞胎,我一直非常配合他们的参与,但他们不是我的孩子。

    I 've been very involved with them but they 're not my children .

  20. 听到我的三胞胎都在哭。

    I just heard all my triplets crying .

  21. 它们被认为是世界上唯一活着的熊猫三胞胎。

    The cubs are thought to be the only living panda triplets in the world .

  22. 她生了健康的三胞胎。

    Jean : She had healthy triplets .

  23. 一只叫做茜塔的母孟加拉虎正和他的幼崽休息在一起,这是她的三胞胎中的一只。

    A Bengal tigress called Sita rests with one of her trio of six-month-old cubs .

  24. 当医生告诉我我将有三胞胎时,我很惊讶。

    I was amazed when my doctor told me I was going to have triplets .

  25. 第二天双胞胎变成了三胞胎。

    The twins turn three tomorrow .

  26. 三年前,玛格达勒诺接受人工受精后,生下三胞胎。

    Three years ago , Magdaleno gave birth to her triplets after undergoing in vitro fertilization .

  27. 令她吃惊的是,蒂普顿三胞胎只与吉尼斯世界纪录相差2.4磅。

    To her surprise , Tipton 's triplets were just 2.4 pounds shy of the title .

  28. 她自己就是三胞胎之一。

    She was a triplet herself .

  29. 例如:当我得知她怀孕了,而且怀的是三胞胎,我惊讶的目瞪口呆。

    For example . I was gobsmacked when she told me she was pregnant with triplets .

  30. 现在湖北的这家学校的老师应该努力适应看到各种双胞胎和三胞胎的情况。

    For the meantime , Hubei teachers just need to adjust to seeing doubles or triples .